A comprehensive Filament plugin that adds multiple icon packages to enhance your Laravel Filament applications.
Support for multiple popular icon libraries:
- Bootstrap Icons
- Feather Icons
- Ionicons
- Tabler Icons
- Octicons
- Font Awesome (Brands, Regular, Solid)
- Ant Design Icons
- Huge Icons
- (More icon libraries in the future)
Easy configuration and integration with Filament
Customizable icon prefixes, fallbacks, and attributes
- PHP 8.1+
- Laravel 10.x or 11.x
- Filament 3.x
- Blade Icons
Install the package via Composer:
composer require fahemdev/extra-icons
Publish the configuration file (optional):
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="extra-icons-config"
This will create a config/extra-icons.php
file where you can customize icon settings.
Publish the icon resources (optional):
php artisan extra-icons:publish
This will create icon folders in the resources folder extra-icons/resources/icon-package-name
file where you can find icons.
In your Filament resources, forms, or actions, you can now use icons from various libraries:
// Bootstrap Icons (prefix: 'bootstrap')
// Feather Icons (prefix: 'feather')
// Ionicons (prefix: 'ion')
// Tabler Icons (prefix: 'tabler')
// Octicons (prefix: 'octicon')
// Font Awesome Brands (prefix: 'fab')
// Font Awesome Regular (prefix: 'far')
// Font Awesome Solid (prefix: 'fas')
// Ant Design Icons (prefix: 'ant')
// Huge Icons (prefix: 'huge')
You can modify the config/extra-icons.php
file to:
- Change icon prefixes
- Set fallback icons
- Add custom CSS classes
- Define default icon attributes
Example configuration:
'bootstrapicons' => [
'prefix' => 'bootstrap',
'fallback' => 'default-icon',
'class' => 'text-primary',
'attributes' => [
'width' => 24,
'height' => 24,
We welcome contributions to the Extra Icons package! Here's how you can help:
Fork the Repository
- Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page
- Clone your forked repository to your local machine:
git clone /~https://github.com/your-username/extra-icons.git cd extra-icons
Create a Branch
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
Make Your Changes
- Implement your feature or bug fix
- Ensure your code follows the project's coding standards
- Add tests if applicable
Commit and Push
git add . git commit -m "Description of your changes" git push origin feature/your-feature-name
Create a Pull Request
- Open a pull request from your fork to the main repository
- Important: Please notify the maintainer (FahemDev) about your contribution
- Provide a clear description of your changes and their purpose
This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
If you encounter any issues or have questions, please open an issue on GitHub.
Created by FahemDev