git clone
cd hexapod
git submodule update --init --recursive
echo -e USER_ID=$(id -u $USER)\\nGROUP_ID=$(id -g $USER) >> .env
docker compose build --pull
docker compose run --rm app bash
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
To finish, do the host setup (see below) and reboot the host.
For improved DDS performance, a few changes on the host side are necessary. From this repo's root directory:
sudo ln -s ${PWD}/etc/sysctl.d/ros2-dds.conf /etc/sysctl.d/ros2-dds.conf
@pedro feel free to comment on this!
- Legs are indexed numerically against the clock
starting from the left front leg. Visualized:
/front\ leg 0 | | leg 5 | | leg 1 | | leg 4 | | leg 2 | | leg 3 \_____/
- For each leg, leg joints are indexed alphabetically starting from the torso.
So, for example, joint 3a points to the shoulder joint of the leg on the rear right.
feet -- joint c -- joint b -- joint a -- torso
- Leg joints are indexed numerically
following the expression
leg_index*3 + joint_index_per_leg
. So, for example, from its feet to leg, the second leg has as structure:feet1 -- joint 5 -- joint 4 -- joint 3 -- torso