This checks Inpol's slots for you, uses Telegram bot for notification when slot is found. Each pass includes checking all three offices. The script clicks all active dates. If there are signs of the existence of unoccupied slots (I don't know the exact xpath of the slots), it sends a message to the telegram bot. After checking, the script waits for a time interval, which may jitter randomly.
(required) - login at inpolPASSWORD
(required) - password at inpolCASE_ID
(required) - case id at inpol, can be obtained from url at case's pageMONTHS_TO_CHECK
(optional) - count of months to check for enabled dates, default:5
(optional) - log level, one of standard DEBUG, INFO, etc.., default:INFO
(optional) - telegram bot's token, create new bot with @BotFather, send initial message in advanceTELEGRAM_CHAT_ID
(optional) - your chat id, obtain it with @get_id_botPROXY_SERVER
(optional) - path to http proxy, e.g. http://login:pass@address:portSLEEP_INTERVAL
(optional) - Sleep interval, default:15m
(optional) - Sleep interval jitter, default:3m
I recommend use pyenv with direnv for manage environments.
The script requires installed chromedriver (brew install chromedriver
on mac)
pip install -r requirements.txt
EMAIL=... PASSWORD=... CASE_ID=... python
Create .env file with parameters:
Then run with docker compose:
docker compose up --remove-orphans
While its running you could connect into with any VNC viewer. Connect to localhost:5900
with password password
- add anticaptcha
- /~
- /~
- /~
- /~
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