NodeJS Map clone replacement for RealDeviceMap
- NodeJS v12
- Chuck or RealDeviceMap existing database
- Everything from RealDeviceMap UI Map
- Discord authentication or no authentication
- Pokemon form filtering
- Raid Pokemon form filtering
- Quest Pokemon form filtering
- Mega energy quest filtering
- Nests and nest filtering
- Pokemon glow based on minimum IV
- Refactored Global IV/Pokemon/Pokestop/Raid filtering
- PVP rank filtering
- Invasion type filtering
- Weather type filtering
- Device status filtering
- Big karp and tiny rat filtering
- Custom icon support
- 400k+ less icons
- Pokemon clustering
- Mobile friendly filters
- Available raid boss and quest rewards from database for smaller filter lists
- Scan area polygons
- Configurable Quick Start Pokemon filter button for new users
- Quickly filter Pokemon by generation/rarity/event
- Legendary and normal raid buttons
- Follow my location
- Cache previous location
- Global search for quest rewards, nest pokemon, gyms, and pokestops
- Minimum candy and stardust amount quest filter
- Zoom zoom zoom, fast
- Much more...