This repositoray contains the learning materials for GIS 322: Programming Principals II. Designed by Ziqi Li ( and Wenwen Li (, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University.
Module 0: Welcome and Start Here
- Set up Your Programming Environment - Introduction to Google Colaboratory
Module 1: Review of Python Basics
- Data Types, Functions and Modules
- Conditions and Loop
- Review of Numpy for Basic Usage and File Read
Module 2: Spatial Features and Data Structure
- Vector Part 1
- Vector Part 2
Module 3: Geometry operations using Shapely
- Geometry Collection in Shapely
- Spatial Relationship
- Matplotlib Display Shapely Object
Module 4: Managing GIS Data in Python
- Reading and Writing Spatial Data
- Map Projections
- Creating a GeoDataFrame from Coordinates
Module 5 Geospatial Operations and Geoprocessing
- Geometric Operations
- Table Join and Spatial Join
- Geocoding
Module 6 - Advanced Geovisualization in Python
- Interactive Mapping with Bokeh
- Adding a Web Basemap using Folium
Module 7
- Final project