This project uses the artificial potential field method to realize the path planning of the robot, and completes the trajectory optimization through other settings. It can also be combined with laser SLAM, target recognition and other technologies for path planning.
Because I mainly use C++ and Python in the development, relatively speaking, the use of Java is not so proficient, so there may be some unpredictable problems in the actual use of the project. I hope you can raise this issue in the warehouse or become our developer. Let's improve this open source project together.
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In addition, the following documents provide instructions for the use of path planning
Write your inverse kinematics method
// src\main\java\frc\robot\subsystems\DriveSub.java
* 提供一个逆运动学方法,把xyw增量分配给各电机
public void driver(StatusXYW delta){
// TODO[01]矢量轮逆运动学分析可参考链接https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv14591015
Accurately locate the initial position of the robot
// src\main\java\frc\robot\commands\RoboCom.java
public void auto_init(){
// TODO[02]以整张地图(823*1646,单位:cm)的左下角为原点,准确标记出机器人的位置和角度
robot_status = new StatusXYW(300,500,0);
As shown in the figure, take the lower left corner of the field as the origin, mark the position and angle of the machine.
Mark the map
// src\main\java\frc\robot\commands\RoboCom.java
public void auto_init(){
// TODO[03]为地图进行标记,参考场地定位图https://firstfrc.blob.core.windows.net/frc2022/FieldAssets/2022LayoutMarkingDiagram.pdf
// 用draw_line画出场地边界、中间线以及其他队伍会占用的空间
PSub.draw_line(40, 40, 1606, 40, 100, true);
PSub.draw_line(40, 783, 1606, 783, 100, true);
// 用mark标记出目标球和非目标球
PSub.mark(300, 500, -100, 0.99, true); // 目标球
PSub.mark(500, 500, +100, 0.99, true); // 非目标球
Get the actual position of the robot
// src\main\java\frc\robot\commands\RoboCom.java
public void auto_drive(){
// TODO[04]获取机器人的实际位置
double x = 0.0;
double y = 0.0;
double w = 0.0;
robot_status.set(x, y, w);
Choose the right path planning method
// src\main\java\frc\robot\commands\RoboCom.java
public void auto_drive(){
// TODO[05]选择合适的路径规划方式,drive_ahead或drive_moon
DSub.driver(PSub.drive_ahead(robot_status, 15));
Judging that the machine successfully picked up the ball
// src\main\java\frc\robot\commands\RoboCom.java
public void auto_drive(){
// TODO[06]取消拾取到的球在地图上的标记
if(true/* 选择你的condition,可以是位置达到阈值,当然如果你用colorsensor或通过射球/吸球的电压/速度变化来判断拾球成功那就更好了 */){
PSub.mark(300, 500, +100, 0.99, true); // 取消目标球设定