A python script for capturing a PMKID from a WiFi router for cracking WPA/WPA2 passwords.
To crack passwords from the captured PMKID obtained by this script, see our other repo: WPA/WPA2 Password Cracking in Python - PMKID
This script will produce hash lines in the hashcat hc22000 format that can be cracked with hashcat and will also print out the necessary data to crack passwords with the script from our other repo referenced above. It is built for simplicity and comprehension and is meant to help those looking to build their own hacking tools get started with a bare-bones example.
Unlike capturing a 4-way handshake, you do not need need to put your WiFi adapter into monitor mode. I tested the PMKID capture with this WiFi adapter that can be bought for less than $10 on Amazon. Your computer's internal WiFi adapter may work for this purpose since monitor mode is not required, but when testing with a Raspberry Pi 4 I found that I had to use the USB WiFi adapter. The capture was from a TP-Link Archer C1200 v2.0 Router (Firmware Version 2.0.0), but many other common wireless routers should work. Note that not all wireless routers are vulnerable to this exploit, only those that append a PMKID to the end of the first EAPoL frame. This exploit was originally found in 2018 by atom and the hashcat team. See the thread on the hashcat forums: Thread. This script will give you a way to capture PMKID with very little code using only standard python libraries that you can modify for your own purposes.
This script should work on the majority of Linux distributions including Kali Linux and may also work on macOS or Windows, but if you are running macOS or Windows it will might be easier to use the script with a Virtual Machine running a form of Linux with VirtualBox or VMWare.
Reminder: Only ever hack a network that you own and have legal permission to hack. Any hacking skills/knowledge gained from this repository should only be used within the context of security research, penetration testing, password recovery, and education.
Clone the project:
git clone /~https://github.com/ZeroDayArcade/capture-pmkid-wpa-wifi-hacking.git
cd into project directory:
cd capture-pmkid-wpa-wifi-hacking
No monitor mode required, you can just leave you wireless adapter in the default managed mode. To run the script for a given network/access point run:
sudo python3 capture_pmkid.py <INTERFACE> "<SSID>"
Then attempt to connect to that network with the same interface/wireless adapter and any random password. While the random password will be rejected, the access point will send back a PMKID appended to the end of first EAPoL frame that you can use to crack the network password. This assumes of course that the access point is one that appends a PMKID. Many common WPA/WPA2 routers do this.
I successfully tested this with a TP-Link Archer C1200 v2.0 Router (Firmware Version 2.0.0), a Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspian, and a GenBasic Wireless Adapter (Model 2A4M1).
Let's say we are targeting an access point with SSID = ZDA_TP_LINK
and our wireless adapter's WiFi interface is wlan1
. In that case we'd run
sudo python3 capture_pmkid.py wlan1 "ZDA_TP_LINK"
You'll then see the string "Connect to "ZDA_TP_LINK" using wlan1 and a random password to capture PMKID...
printed in Terminal. On your computer, use wlan1 to connect to ZDA_TP_LINK
as you would connect to any other WiFi network. For a Raspberry Pi 4 running Raspian, this would be clicking the Wireless LAN dropdown on the top right of the screen, hovering over wlan1
and then selecting ZDA_TP_LINK
from the dropdown of available networks. On most OS's you can also do this from the command line in a seperate Terminal window.
Once prompted for a password, enter a random password of at least 8 characters. Upon doing this, the script will capture the PMKID and print out:
Possible PMKID: <PMKID>
Hashcat hc22000 format hash line:
You can then use the fields printed above with crack_pmkid.py
from our other repo: here, or for more speed and power, use the WPA*01*<PMKID>*<MAC_AP>*<MAC_CL>*<ESSID>***
line with hashcat.
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More WiFi Hacking with Simple Python Scripts:
Cracking WPA/WPA2 Passwords with PMKID
Capturing WPA/WPA2 4-Way Handshake
Cracking WPA/WPA2 Passwords with 4-Way Handshake