The goal was to make me learn symfony 7 API REST.
For this project, Symfony will handle API REST requests, VueJS will handle the front-end interface.
For VueJS, Typescript, SCSS, Normalize.CSS and Pinia will be used.
Yarn is used to manage client side Application packages.
This app doesn't require an ORM to work.
At first, clone the repository:
git clone /~
Change directory to the repository:
cd symfonyxvue-nextrip
To install every depedencies that you'll need, run these:
cd api/
composer install
To configure the back-end environment, add your API key with this command:
php bin/console secrets:set API_KEY_SECRET
To see what you typed in (it will show the information in clear):
php bin/console secrets:list --reveal
To run symfony back-end (symfonyxvue-nextrip/api):
symfony server:start
To run vue front-end (symfonyxvue-nextrip/client):
yarn run dev
Then you can open the localhost URL showed in your console.