This is the repo for all Code solution for Code Quotient course of Programming Abstraction. Codes are in JAVA & C++ (check the extensions of the file to know the language of codes)
2. Add one to each digit of a number
6. Make a group for competition
1. Cut the chocolate smartly for maximum pieces
5. How many duplicates in array
6. Find the special index of array
7. Count the total reward points
4. Find the winner in elections
5. Scoring based on difficulty level
6. Array Sum and Pair Product Puzzle
7. Turning point in stock prices
4. Continous Substraction Game
2. Fibonacci sequence using recursion
4. Largest number possible with digits
1. Check the numbers for power of 2
[3. Find the rightmost set bit of a number](/~ %20Programming%20Abstraction/Section-7/
4. Count the set bits of a number
1. Rotate a 2-D array by 90 degrees
2. Collect coins in snake game
5. Toggle the number except kth bit
1. Check if strings are rotations or not
6. Reverse the words of a string
2. Find the middle node of the list
3. Find the merge point of two lists
6. Add Two Numbers Represented by Lists
7. Find the loop in Linked list
8. Move the Smallest and largest to head and tail of list
9. Swap Two Nodes of Doubly Linked List
10. Rearrange the Even-Odd Nodes of Doubly Linked List