Releases: Yurik72/ESPHap
Compatibility with ESP32 library version 1.0.5 and PlatformIO
Stable and improved version with most bug fixed
Thank you to @eford321 , which is spent a lot of efforts for testing and finding crucial bugs
The main goals of this version:
-Stability of memory consumprion
On ESP8266:
- Up to 8 accessories can be impelmented on the same board
- Up to 8 concurrent clients/devices can simultaneously connect
On ESP32:
- Up to 45 accessories can be impelmented on the same board
- Up to 16 concurrent clients/devices can simultaneously connect
#37 stable pairing with ESP8266
v1.0.7 Merge branch 'master' of /~
Stable pairing with ESP8266
Issue #37 is closed, Means since this release we have a stable pairing process with ESP8266
Bug fixes and more examples
Fixes main bug with stability responding of mDns on ESP32.
Example of full function thermostat with library changes
Update library info
v1.0.4 Update library.json
Small fixes +examples
- Fixed issue with FAN service
- Added new examples FAN + Dimmable Led
Implements feathures for buil-in web server, pairing by QR code plus examples
implement submodule for file storage of pairing data hapfilestorage.hpp which allows to reuse basic function for store pairing data on SPIFFs file system.
implement submodules for internal web server hapweb. Now Web server can be easily setup and handle file browser and your own portal for device. Plus handling of OTA.
implement submodules for pairing by QR code hapqr.hpp.Together with web server you can got on your browser QR image, which can be easily scan for pairing purpose. To access QR code you need enter http:// ip address / setup.html .
small fixes + examples
v1.0.1 Update
Stable version , works on esp8266/esp32 with major devices
v1.0 Update