The purpose of this short project is exploring data without a clear objective. Each individual take a different path of methodology and would come up with different findings. My conclusions were that there should be hesitation before doing any serious analysis on this data because the data does not reflect natural human behavior - there would not be a behavioral pattern that is of business interest. But I think if I have approached the data with a different set of mind (not a business one) then I would have found something quite different. If you have, please let me know!
Key: 'order_id' is unique for every order made by a customer; 'shop_id' is the id for a unique item sold on the platform; 'user_id' is the id of a unique customer; 'order_amount' is the amount paid in dollar($) by the customer to make a transaction.
Note: the data didn't contain a key to explain what each variable is precisely. (I made some assupmtions above) Note2: Data was found at
GCCree/Data-Analytics-Challenge/Data Challenge Numbers - Fall 2017.csv