A tool for automatic neurite outgrowth and cell viability estimation from microscopy images using deep learning and graph theory. It is optimized for Neuroblastoma cells in low power (20X) magnification and a dual FITC & DAPI channels setup. It can be used for large scale high-throughput drug screening and validation experiments.
- Estimate neurite outgrowth and toxicity for large scale experiments from microscopy images
- Outlier removal algorithms for cleaner results
- Graph representation of cell cultures and novel connectivity based features for neurite outgrowth
- Neurite semantic segmentation
- Nuclei instance segmentation from /~https://github.com/Lopezurrutia/DSB_2018
- Cell instance segmentation
- Cell foreground segmentation
- Two neurite segmentaion datasets for live and fixed cells staining.
Experiment_Demo.ipynb Is the easiest way to start analyzing experiment data (e.g. high throuput screening data from a 96 wells plate).
Computer_Vision_Pipeline_Demo.ipynb Displays the computer vision models in this repository and the different steps in the neurite outgrowth analysis.
(optional) To fully understand the computer vision pipeline, feature extraction, graph representation, novel connectivity features and outlier removal algorithms please refer to the Methods section in Thesis or inspect outlier_removal.py, feature_extraction.py, graph_representation.py, experiment_inference_utils.py.
To train your own neurite segmentation model you can use our neurite segmentation dataset which includes a live cells staining dataset and a fixed staining dataset.
Clone this repository
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the Mask RCNN weights (too large for Github) and place them in repository root directory.
To be writen :)