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Mlflow Docker

The following project creates a docker container running mlflow server. The current version is version 1.19.0 of Mlflow. An integration for postgresql has been foreseen to store models inside mlflow server.


  • docker engine
  • docker compose

Docker build: howto

If you are new to docker you will first need to install docker on your machine. If the installation is finished, you will need to clone this repo to your local machine. Once it has been cloned you can build the docker with the following command:

  • docker build -t mlflowserver -f Dockerfile . --no-cache

Docker run: howto

If the build was successful you can start the container with the following command:

docker run -p 5000:5000 --env MLFLOW_BACKEND_STORE_URI=<backendstore> -it mlflowserver:latest

In this case the backend store would be a valid connection string towards the database you are running. If you are unsure how to achieve this, there is also a docker-compose.yml file that spins up both postgress db and mlflow server, giving you a full working example.

If you want to run the docker compose example run the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build -d

Configuring the artifact root

One of the options you can configure is the artifact root. By default this will be set to a path inside the docker container, in a location ./mlruns. This also means that if the container dies, that your artifacts will be gone.

There are a couple of options for remote artifact root:

Access the website

If you run the docker local the website will be available from http://localhost:5000

MlFlow documentation

All documentation with regards to mlflow can be found here:


If you want to contribute, please abide by the following rules:

Create a feature branch and add your changes Create a pull request to merge into master Have a reviewer and merge


Docker for mlflow framework








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