# 10-ways-to-lose-your-crypto-and-how-to-avoid-it-
"I clicked on something and it all disappeared,” is a common fear of those who use cryptocurrency for the first time. This article is about what not to do - we will tell you the 10 most common ways to lose your crypto."
2.2. Disable automatic downloading:
Step 1.
Step 2
- Remove consent to tracking:
Test operation over a secure HTTPS connection You need to pay attention to whether the site works through the secure “https” protocol. In other words, does the site have an SSL certificate?
In this abbreviation, the letter "s" stands for "secured". With https, data between the site and your computer is encrypted during transmission. This means they are more difficult for fraudsters to intercept. In addition, pay attention to the images of the “lock” in the address bar to see if there is one.
If there is no lock, this is not a safe site, close it.
To work over a secure connection, install a browser extension that runs https wherever possible. For example, HTTPS Everywhere from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF).
Other ways to verify site authenticity:
whether the site is included in blacklists. For example, here: VirusTotal, MX Toolbox, Sitechecker. These services use several antivirus programs at once. To check, enter the URL of the site you are checking into the search bar on the service website, press Enter and the service will instantly return results.
Step 8 install antivirus:
Which protects against hacking, Trojans, rats, phreaking and other types of viruses and cryptoviruses and sends it to the Windows cloud so that other users do not download I recommend installation
Overall, Malwarebytes has an industry-average detection rate of around 95%, which is pretty good. The Threat Scan is a good option for users who want to quickly check their files for malware, and I found it easy to select whether to scan a single folder or my entire disk with the Custom Scan option.
Link to the Malwarebytes Premium crack at the top using the "Download" button