QPunishments is a punishment system designed and developed by Quapi for maximum staff efficiency, offering a full all-in-one system including a built-in history and proof system.
The system is currently developed on top of the Velocity 3.0.x API and may get a BungeeCord version at some point in the future.
Please note that this plugin requires Velocity 3.0.0+ and MUST run on Java 16!
- History and proofing system for easy tracking on players
- A full lookup system allowing for checking a player's punishment history, comments, first and last login and his name history
- Fully working per-server / global punishment system
- 99% of messages customizable (System-critical messages are non-changable currently)
- Redis & MySQL support
- [-is] = Silent punishment, removal
- [duration] = The duration of the punishment, for example 7m (minutes), 7h (7 hours), 7d (7 days)
- [server:<?>] = A specific server to provide the punishment, for example (server is case-sensitive): /qban Quapi server:ExampleServer
- [reason] = The reason for the given punishment.
- [-debug] = Debug argument will show you the comment id, only works on comment module
- [module] = A specific type of punishment to lookup. Currently available: ban, mute, kick, comment
- [limit] = The amount of the entries the lookup will return, only works modules
The command argument is crucial and may be one of the following:
editcomment, removecomment, removepunishment, getcomment
- qpunishments.command.ban - /qban <playerName> [-s] [duration] [server:<?>] [reason]
- qpunishments.command.mute - /qmute <playerName> [-s] [duration] [server:<?>] [reason]
- qpunishments.command.kick - /qkick <playerName> [-s] [reason]
- qpunishments.command.ipban - /qipban <playerName> [-s] [duration] [server:<?>] [reason]
- qpunishments.command.ipmute - /qipmute <playerName> [-s] [duration] [server:<?>] [reason]
- qpunishments.command.unban - /qunban [-s] <playerName>
- qpunishments.command.unban - /qunipban [-s] <playerName>
- qpunishments.command.unban - /qunmute [-s] <playerName>
- qpunishments.command.unban - /qunipmute [-s] <playerName>
- qpunishments.command.lookup - /lookup [-debug] <playerName> [module] [limit]
- qpunishments.command.lookupip - /lookupip [-debug] <playerName or IP> [module] [limit]
- qpunishments.command.comment - /comment <playerName> <text>
- qpunishments.admin - /reloadmessages (Reloads all plugin messages without restarting proxy)
- qpunishments.command.history - /historyadmin <command> <id> [<content>] (History management for less sql tinkering incase of mistakes)
- qpunishments.command.staffchat - /staffchat <text> (Can be replaced by a character, check config) (Private chat for staff)
- qpunishments.command.find - /find <playerName> (Locates the server a player is connected to)
This plugin uses BStats for data collection, if you do not want to participate you can disable BStats in the BStats folder at /plugins/