A Probabilistic Tractography in Superficial White Matter: This algorithm enables the reconstruction of the fiber tracts in Superficial White Matter (SWM), which has a sheet structure with high curvature. This tracking algorithm works on the triangular mesh representation of the SWM and overcomes difficulties in conventional volume-based tractography.
The algorithm was developed in both C++ and Matlab versions. Please check the Readme and demo in the corresponding folder for usage details. We provide scripts and libraries to help compile the C++ code for Linux, Mac, and Windows.
One subject data from the Human Connectome projects (HCP) is uploaded by ifs for illustration, and you can also use the Google Drive link below to download the dataset.
Necessary Data for Tractography: Fiber Orientation Distribution (FOD) data, A preregistered triangular mesh of the white matter (from T1 space to diffusion space), A binary label for ROI on the mesh, A binary label for seeds of tractography, one or two binary labels for stopping criteria.
Publication: X. Nie, J. Ruan, M. C. G. Otaduy, L. T. Grinberg, J. Ringman, and Y. Shi, "Surface-based Probabilistic Fiber Tracking in Superficial White Matter," in IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2023.3329451.
Acknowledgment: The Matlab codes that load the NIfTI document are from Jimmy Shen (2022). Tools for NIfTI and ANALYZE image (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8797-tools-for-nifti-and-analyze-image).