A public repository of developmental R code related to the input-output product space (IO-PS) to facilitate better decision-making regarding industrial policymaking.
The package is available to install from CRAN
The package is also available to install via GitHub: /~https://github.com/WoutersResearchGroup/R-IO-PS
To successfully run the package, numerous other packages need to be installed and loaded into the library:
CEPII-BACI trade data is a required input (.csv). The BACI data is available at: http://www.cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/bdd_modele/presentation.asp?id=37
Full IO-PS analysis requires a value chain input (.csv). Three columns are required: 'Tier', 'Activity' and 'HSCode'.
#-----Load Trade data and value chain into variables-----#
TradeDataused <- read.csv("BACI_HSXX_YXXXX_V202001.csv")
VCDataUsed <- read.csv("X_Value_Chain.csv")
#-----Run IOPS with Input Trade Data and Value Chain Mapping-----#
tradeData = TradeDataused,
GVCMapping = VCDataUsed
Results are generated at tier, category and product level. Results are written to an Excel spreadsheet and headless CSV file named 'Combined_Results'. Each `Combined_Results' file contains the Tier Results, Product Results and Product Category Results.
IOPS(CountryCode = 710, tradeData, ComplexMethod = "eigenvalues", iterCompl = 20, GVCMapping = NULL, tradedigit = 6)
""" IO-PS calculation function that writes the results to .xls and .csv
CountryCode - Type: character/integer. Any accepted ISO country code could be used, e.g. "United Kingdom", "GBR"}, "GB", "828" would all be accepted if the United Kingdom is the desired country.
tradeData - Type: csv. Accepts any CEPII BACI trade data.
ComplexMethod - Type: character. Methods used to calculate complexity measures. Can be any one of these methods: "fitness", "reflections" or "eigenvalues". Defaults to "eigenvalues".
iterCompl - Type: integer. The number of iterations that the chosen complexity measure must use. Defaults to iterCompl = 20.
GVCMapping - Type: csv. The desired value chain to be analysed. With Columns "Tiers", "Activity", and "HSCode".
tradedigit - Type: Integer. Indicate if the raw trade digit summation should be done on a 6- or 4-digit level. Defaults to tradedigit = 6.
- Address the remaining deviations from the py_IO-PS package, especially maximum deviations.
- Triangulate the R-package across different packages (Python and MATLAB).
- Incorporate a CEPII API in the R code for easier, automated data access.
- Consider adding functionality to access an index of all countries and corresponding codes, simplifying the analysis process.
- Enhance the package's functionality by adding a time period parameter which allows the user to choose specific years for cross-period measures and evaluations.
This package uses the economiccomplexity package available from CRAN to calculate economic complexity indices. Available at: https://pacha.dev/economiccomplexity/