An Enhanced WHOIS Server List Based on the IANA Root Zone Database
Last updated: 2025-03-01
Install the package with NPM or Yarn:
npm i whois-servers-list
# or
yarn add whois-servers-list
(Optional) To ensure that you are using the latest list, you can modify your package.json:
"dependencies": {
"whois-servers-list": "latest"
Then you can use the list like this:
const servers = require('whois-servers-list');
const server = servers['com']; //
or TypeScript:
import servers from 'whois-servers-list';
const server: string | null = servers['com']; //
Add the package with Composer:
composer require woomai/whois-servers:dev-master
Then you can use the list like this:
$servers = json_decode(file_get_contents('vendor/woomai/whois-servers/list.json'), true);
$server = $servers['com']; //
If this list is outdated or missing servers, please feel free to open an issue or create pull request!