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Robert Isoski edited this page Feb 16, 2022 · 2 revisions

WonderCMS uses plugins for translating the Settings panel.

How to adapt WonderCMS Settings to another language

  1. Fork the following repository (which is the latest with all included translations): /~
  2. Rename repository to translation-yourlanguage. (If you need help with renaming a repository:
  3. Rename translation-slovenian.php to "translation-yourlanguage.php" (replace yourlanguage with your actual language).
  4. Make sure the repository name matches/is the same as the PHP file mentioned in point 3.
  5. Edit the SVG file (picture) directly on GitHub (or choose any other editor): /~
  • on line 78, change Slovenian to your language.
  1. Rename sl.csv to your country locale (list of country locales and save.
  2. Open translation-yourlanguage.php and change the name of the CSV file to be the same as point 6 above: '$translations = array_map('str_getcsv', file(DIR . '/sl.csv')); // change sl.csv CSV name accordingly to your country locale'
  3. Translate the .csv file.
  4. Create wcms-modules.json file: /~
  5. Create a pull request to /~ to the plugins-list file with your repository URL.
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