Ansible project structure, with automation scripts.
- Ansible
- Ansible Vault
- Makefile
- Python 3
- sshpass
- Bash
- PyYAML (
pip3 install PyYAML
git clone /~ deploy
cd deploy
# ... put your inventory, fill in group_vars, host_vars, etc. ...
# do a deploy
make deploy@prod
# deploy first time, entering the host, user, password manually
make deploy_first_time@prod
# deploy any more time
make deploy@prod
# passing parameters to Ansible
make deploy@prod ANSIBLE_OPTS="-t project"
Connect to a SSH server without knowing credentials.
make ssh
At first collect your ansible roles that you store in separate git repositories, and put them in ./roles-at-git.yaml
Then execute:
make _update_roles
➜ harbor-deployment git:(master) ✗ make __update_roles
>> Making sure the Ansible roles from Ansible Galaxy are up to date
>> Updating blackandred.server_multi_user
Already on 'master'
>> Updating blackandred.server_docker_project
Already on 'master'
>> Updating blackandred.server_secure_storage
Already on 'master'
>> Updating blackandred.server_ssh_fallback_port
Already on 'master'
>> Updating blackandred.server_basic_security
Already on 'master'
>> Updating blackandred.server_basic_software
Already on 'master'
>> Done.