A collection of various discourse segmenters (with pre-trained models for German texts).
This python module currently comprises three discourse segmenters: edseg, bparseg, and mateseg.
- edseg
- is a rule-based system that uses shallow discourse-oriented parsing to determine the boundaries of elementary discourse units. The rules are hard-coded in the submodule's file and are only applicable to German input.
- bparseg
- is an ML-based segmentation module that operates on
syntactic constituency trees (output from BitPar) and decides
whether a syntactic constituent initiates a discourse segment or not
using a pre-trained linear SVM model. This model was trained on the
German PCC corpus, but you can also train your own classifer for any
language using your own training data (cf.
discourse_segmenter --help
for further instructions on how to do that). - mateseg
- is another ML-based segmentation module that operates on dependency trees (output from MateParser) and decides whether a sub-structure of the dependency graph initiates a discourse segment or not using a pre-trained linear SVM model. Again, this model was trained on the German PCC corpus.
To install this package from the PyPi index, run
pip install dsegmenter
Alternatively, you can also install it directly from the source repository by executing:
git clone git@github.com:discourse-lab/DiscourseSegmenter.git
pip install -r DiscourseSegmenter/requirements.txt DiscourseSegmenter/ --user
After installation, you can import the module in your python scripts (see an example here), e.g.:
from dsegmenter.bparseg import BparSegmenter
segmenter = BparSegmenter()
or, alternatively, also use the delivered front-end script discourse_segmenter to process your parsed input data, e.g.:
discourse_segmenter bparseg segment DiscourseSegmenter/examples/bpar/maz-8727.exb.bpar
discourse_segmenter mateseg segment DiscourseSegmenter/examples/conll/maz-8727.parsed.conll
Note that this script requires two mandatory arguments: the type of the segmenter to use (bparseg or mateseg in the above cases) and the operation to perform (which meight be specific to each segmenter).
Intrinsic evaluation scores of the machine learning models on the predicted vectors will be printed when training and evaluating a segmentation model.
Extrinsic evaluation scores on the predicted segmentation trees can be calculated with the evaluation script.
Note, that the script internally calls the DKpro agreement library, which requires Java 8.