Current purpose of this repository is to promote newly named apache-logs-to-mysql
repository and in development mysql-to-apache-echarts
repository on search engines by implementing Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
repository had barely been found in GitHub search regardless of
Topics added to Repository.
No search engines were listing the ApacheLogs2MySQL
repository regardless of the Keywords used.
My deduction for poor search results is one or both of the following:
- Repository name - Renamed from ApacheLogs2MySQL to apache-logs-to-mysql on 1/9/2025.
- SQL - A large majority of repository codebase is SQL language.
GitHub does not recognize SQL as a language and requires adding code to .gitattributes
for SQL to appear on repository.
*.sql linguist-detectable=true
*.sql linguist-language=sql
ApacheLogs2MySQL consists of two Python Modules & one Database Schema that parse and import Access & Error log files and normalizes data into database designed for reports & data analysis.
Application automates consolidation of log files from multiple Servers and unlimited Domains with audit trail & error logging.
MySQL2ApacheECharts is a Web interface that consists of Express.js web application frameworks with Drill Down Capability & Apache ECharts frameworks for Log Data Visualization in charts, reports & data analysis interfaces of Database Schema apache_logs created by ApacheLogs2MySQL.
Hopefully repository rename and creating this repository, website and images improves `apache-logs-to-mysql` repository visibility and `mysql-to-apache-echarts` repository awareness. All feedback welcomed!