This is just a sample Program for RabbitMQ sender and Receiver
Prerequisites for this project 1)Install Erlang in your machine 2)Install RabbitMQ server 3)Third-Party jars are required. it already include in project also required log4j for logging. if you are using maven based project than use groupId com.rabbitmq and artifactId amqp-client
RabbitMQ is a message broker: it accepts and forwards messages. Components of rabbitmq 1)producer -- it is nothing but java program that send/produces/publish message. 2)queue -- it is kind of tunnel/linkage from your your program and rabbitmq server. it's essentially a large message buffer. Many producers can send messages that go to one queue, and many consumers can try to receive data from one queue. 3)Consumer -- it is nothing but java program that receive message that publish by producer.
Points to take care. ->queue name for consumer must be same as producer's queue name to recieve message. ->message will send and receive in byte array. ->rabbitmq needs 200MB free disk space for its buffer otherwise it wont accept and send message. ->for manual configuration and tunnning please use
if you have any query please feel free to reach out me on or +919408753791.
I am always open for help in open source stuff Java, Angular 2/4, Python, JavaScript, Jquery, Spring, Hibernate.