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Added a dropdown menubar to Paul Falstad's Electronic Simulator for displaying my circuits in addition to his: /~
Since I'm not a programmer and don't fully appreciate the Java language, I can't finish all of my tweaks. The addition of a dropdown menubar highlighting my circuits focusing on electrical surges has been added to Paul's file. But these two circuit-listing, dropdown menubars -- his and mine -- randomly alternate their position relative to each other. Sometimes one is to the left of the other, sometimes they're reversed, every time the page loads into the browser. I suspect the architecture of their being written out to the browser's screen has to be restructered to accommodate multiple circuit listings? The best I can do is add my own, retain his, and assign unique titles/labels at the top of both.
Among the various alterations to this software, the earliest were...
Within the 'About' box, I added a link to here: /~
And a link to my website:
Added an image to the 'About' popup box to brand my site:
And added a 'Circuit Information' button to the upper right-hand corner of the simulator for a few circuits. The first circuit I added this button was for displaying a sine wave via a mathematical function...
For more information, see Mathlets' Poles and Vibrations:
It comes closest to what I try and simulate, namely: surges which reach to infinity if not held in check by the circuit. is precompiled for deployment on your home computer for faster response independent of the web.