For stater this process is made keeping arch in mind and will work fine on fedora, Nix, Gentoo, Void and anyother rolling release distro but will may or may not work on Ubuntu any for sure wont Debian cause of too old packages and things might break if you still want it then, you might go ahead and use nix package manageror distrobox on debain i prefer nix package manager due to it fast nature and seemless integation within system for a more stable experince.
This is an automatic installation script will only only install pacakges for you might not copy file if you have a system already set up so after running script please jump to the copy config section of page and follow steps thier and if anyone wants and knows a way please fix my script cause i dont know how to.
git clone /~ && cd Hypr-uwu
sudo bash ./
Install Wayland Compositor & Related dependencies
paru -S hyprland hyprpaper hyprpaper kitty wezterm gtklock xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland qt5-wayland qt6-wayland wayland
Bar and Bar Needed Utilities
paru -S eww-wayland ttf-ubuntu-mono-nerd gjs socat acpi jp inotify-tools bluez gnome-bluetooth-3.0 gtk3 wl-clipboard blueberry polkit-kde-agent
Media && Brightness Controls
paru -S playerctl brightnessctl alsa-utils pavucontrol upower
Browser && Other managing tools
paru -S nemo brave-bin rofi-lbonn-wayland-git cups file-roller upower mpv imv neovim gedit gotop-bin htop neofetch flatpak stacer
Installing Theme Manager Gtk & Qt apps
paru -S nwg-look-bin qt5ct qt6ct kvantum gnome-tweal-tool
installing Themes
paru -S qogir-gtk-theme orchis-theme tela-icon-theme
fix cursor on homescreen use
hyprctl setcursor Qogir-white 24
make neovim look better and more functional using NVChad for more info visit - NVChad's website
git clone /~ ~/.config/nvim --depth 1 && nvim
most basic keybindings are same to change theme press (SPACE + T +H )
You can manually copy files from hypr-uwu/config to you ~/.config folder for new people .config folder is hidden by default ho after opening file manager press CTRL+H to unhide it
git clone /~ && cd Hypr-uwu && cp -R config/* ~/.config/
in case Qt based apps are not following kvantum or qt5ct themes follow themes steps
sudo nvim /etc/environment
press i to go into insert mode and type or paste the follwing
Some people might use lxappearance instead of gnome-tweak. In that case might run into wierd or some apps not respecting themes and some wierd cursor themeing issue. So, please make sure that you use same setting in gnome-tweak-tool and lxappearance as well {You can launch gnome tweak tool from by typing gnome-tweaks in terminal as it wont be visible in run menu or alternatively you can use rofi-show run}
nvim ~/.config/eww/scss/variables.scss
nvim ~/.config/eww/scss/powermenu.scss
In both the file /home/user/..... change user to your username will fix the issue
Some Keybindings
SUPER + D rofi -show drun
SUPER + S rofi -show run
SUPER + F nemo
SUPER + X wlogout
SUPER + SHIFT + X exit Hyprland
You can change these keybindings by editing ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf file's kiybindings section
laptop keys are all working (brightness and media keys)
I dont know a hoot about css so i stole EWW Dotfiles rest i did own my own so thank me cause i created nothing but idea to change a window manager into a compelete desktop