Ministry of Water Resource(India) needed a tool to monitor and assess groundwater usage of Industries in India. My team developed a real-time monitoring system that includes 2D/3D/map visualisation of water usage data, AI model to predict future water usage, ability to notify expired/malpractices carried by Industries and the ability to configure the tool according to administrators needs. Officers can now use this tool to monitor the water usage in real time in a centralized hassle-free manner of Industries throughout India.
This application needs AngularJS and NodeJs (npm) dependencies to be installed on the host PC to run. Kindly, use the official documentation to setup your pc for this stack.
Once you have installed the required dependencies, you can then run this application.
1>First open a terminal and in your project directory run "node server.js" to run the node server in the backend.
2>Then to run the AngularJs server type "ng serve" in a new terminal.
3>Open in your browser to see the application.
login credentials: Username:admin Password:admin123
Valid Noc id:8451651656
Here is an overview of the tool:
If you have any issue open a PR, let me know!