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Releases: Vadims06/isiswatcher

v2.0.18 (17.02.2024)

17 Feb 14:58
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Request failed 401 error, details: {
  "detail": "Provided authorization is not valid",
  "status": 401,
  "title": "Unauthorized",
  "type": "about:blank"

API subnet is not added

Request failed 401 error, details: {
  "detail": "No IP address was added, so nothing to check with. For using API is needed to add your network in the Authorised network range",
  "status": 401,
  "title": "Unauthorized",
  "type": "about:blank"

v2.0.17 (12.01.2025) MPLS TE Link attributes

12 Jan 14:08
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MPLS TE Link attributes are added for monitoring:

  1. Administrative Group (color, resource class)
  2. Maximum Link Bandwidth
  3. Maximum Reservable Link Bandwidth
  4. Unreserved Bandwidth
  5. Traffic Engineering Default Metric
Logs sample 3. TE

* `2023-01-01T00:00:00Z` - event timestamp
* `demo-watcher` - name of watcher
* `1` - IS-IS level
* `temetric` - event name: `host`, `network`, `metric`, `temetric`
* `0200.1001.0002` - event object. Watcher detected an event related to `0200.1001.0002` host
* `changed` - event status: `down`, `up`, `changed`
* `0_17_19_20_21_22_26_29_30` - 0, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26, 29, 30 admin groups
* `1000000000` - Maximum Link Bandwidth (Sub-TLV 9) bits per sec
* `1000000000` - Maximum Reservable Link Bandwidth (Sub-TLV 10) bits per sec
* `1000000008_1000000016_1000000024_1000000032_1000000040_1000000048_1000000056` - Unreserved Bandwidth (Sub-TLV 11) for priority 0,..7 bits per sec
* `11223344` - Traffic Engineering Default Metric (Sub-TLV 18)
* `0200.1001.0003` - event detected by this node.
* `01Jan2023_00h00m00s_7_hosts` - name of graph in Topolograph dashboard
* `49.0002` - area number
* `12345` - AS number
* `` - Local IP address of detected node `0200.1001.0003` (available in 2.0.15)
* `` - Remote IP address relative to the detected node `0200.1001.0003` (available in 2.0.16)

FRR configuration

interface eth1
 ip address
 ip router isis lab
 ipv6 address 4ffe::192:168:23:2/127
 ipv6 router isis lab
 isis network point-to-point
  admin-grp 0x647a0001
  metric 11223344
  max-bw 1e+08
  unrsv-bw 0 1.23e+06
  unrsv-bw 5 1.23e+06
router isis lab
 net 49.0002.0200.1001.0002.00
 mpls-te on
 mpls-te router-address

IS-IS TE metric

Latest events about links with admin group 17 with unreserved bandwidth for priority of 0 less than 100Mbits

Full IS-IS TE log

v2.0.16 (27.12.2024)

27 Dec 12:35
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  • remote_ip_address is added into log for all host events

v2.0.15 (27.12.2024)

27 Dec 12:33
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  • Algorithm improvements in selection of edges: Narrow < Extended. L1 < L2


  • local_ip_address is added into log for all host events

v2.0.12 (17.11.2024)

17 Nov 22:24
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v2.0.10 (30.10.2024)

30 Oct 00:05
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  1. Stability and accuracy of network change detection
  2. Logstash pipeline changed accordingly to new watcher output
  3. Documentation
  4. Tools (
  5. IS-IS logs includes device's hostname


19 Aug 23:12
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Multiple Watchers on a single host
Number of watchers is equal to the number of IS-IS areas and each Watcher is placed in individual network namespace. IS-IS LSDB sits in watcher's namespace and doesn't interact with other Watchers keeping it isolated.

v1.1 Includes a client for generating configurations for each Watcher for each IS-IS area. To generate individual settings - run the client with --action add_watcher

sudo docker run -it --rm --user $UID -v ./:/home/watcher/watcher/ -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro vadims06/isis-watcher:v1.1 python3 ./ --action add_watcher

The script will create:

  1. a folder under watcher folder with FRR configuration under router folder
  2. a containerlab configuration file with network settings
  3. an individual watcher log file in watcher folder.

v1.2 (12.05.2024)

22 May 20:51
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XDP filter is added.
XDP IS-IS filter inspects all outgoing IS-IS advertisements. It checks if FRR instance advertises only locally connected network (assigned on GRE tunnel) and no more. If it advertises multiple networks, IS-IS LSP will be dropped. It prevents the network from populating by unexpected network prefixes.
If, for some reason, an extra network is advertised from Watcher, this announcement will be dropped.

This examples shows that prefix was redistributed on Watcher and added into its announcement, but it was dropped by XDP and eventually didn't reach the network.
To check XDP logs, run

sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_pipe