Harmonious opinionated docker image comtaining atlantis, tfenv, and tfmask for terraform with clean output and GitHub status updates.
- [atlantis] is a terraform ci/cd tool that makes automating terraform via good git practices easy. No need for jenkins and you can deploy it anywhere.
- [tfenv] terraform version manager easy to set, install and use multiple versions of terraform in a single config repo.
- [tfmask] ensures iac of terraform secure by filtering passwords and secrets in terraform output from plans and applies.
- [uno-atlantis] custom atlantis image with bash wrappers for everything above and some enhancements:
- sets atlantis config defaults so you don't need atlantis config in your repo.
- exit code for atlantis to update GitHub build status.
Follow instructions for atlantis but use this image.
See our GitHub Container Registry for available image tags.
There are two images to choose from: full
and base
- full: This is the default image. Includes additional tooling and 3rd party providers, e.g. credstash
- base: Includes only the base tool-set.
While atlantis supports any terraform version at runtime, this image uses explicit terraform versions to ensure compatibility.
To override the terraform version in a hybrid scenario, see documentation for [tfenv].
Using .terraform-version
files will ensure the appropriate versions of each are installed and used where desired.
See releases for latest version.