A snapshot of previous versins can be found at:
Lecture 1 What is R? A motivating example of data viz
Lecture 2 Data wrangling fundamentals
Lecture 3 Automatic docs with Rmarkdown
This year's presenters: @erickawaguchi and Sarah Piombo.
Website: /~https://github.com/USCbiostats/rbootcamp
This boot camp has as main goal to give a general overview of scientific computing, and in particular, on the R programming language. It is divided in 3 presentations. More information here.
We will be using R and RStudio
Wickham, H., and Grolemund, G. (2017) R for Data Science: Visualize, Model, Transform, Tidy, and Import Data. O'Reilly Media. (free online)
Wickham, H. (2019) Advanced R, 2nd Edition. CRC Press. (free online)
Peng, R. (2016) R Programming for Data Science (free online)