Puppet module to manage client and server configuration for OpenLdap.
Ldap client configuration at its simplest:
class { 'ldap':
uri => 'ldap://ldapserver00 ldap://ldapserver01',
base => 'dc=foo,dc=bar'
Enable TLS/SSL:
Note that ssl_cert should be the CA's certificate file, and it should be located under puppet:///files/ldap/.
class { 'ldap':
uri => 'ldap://ldapserver00 ldap://ldapserver01',
base => 'dc=foo,dc=bar',
ssl => true,
ssl_cert => 'ldapserver.pem'
Enable nsswitch and pam configuration (requires both modules):
class { 'ldap':
uri => 'ldap://ldapserver00 ldap://ldapserver01',
base => 'dc=foo,dc=bar',
ssl => true
ssl_cert => 'ldapserver.pem',
nsswitch => true,
nss_passwd => 'ou=users',
nss_shadow => 'ou=users',
nss_group => 'ou=groups',
pam => true,
OpenLdap server as simple as it is:
class { 'ldap::server::master':
suffix => 'dc=foo,dc=bar',
rootpw => '{SHA}iEPX+SQWIR3p67lj/0zigSWTKHg=',
Configure an OpenLdap master with syncrepl enabled:
class { 'ldap::server::master':
suffix => 'dc=foo,dc=bar',
rootpw => '{SHA}iEPX+SQWIR3p67lj/0zigSWTKHg=',
syncprov => true,
sync_binddn => 'cn=sync,dc=foo,dc=bar',
modules_inc => [ 'syncprov' ],
schema_inc => [ 'gosa/samba3', 'gosa/gosystem' ],
index_inc => [
'index memberUid eq',
'index mail eq',
'index givenName eq,subinitial',
With TLS/SSL enabled:
class { 'ldap::server::master':
suffix => 'dc=foo,dc=bar',
rootpw => '{SHA}iEPX+SQWIR3p67lj/0zigSWTKHg=',
ssl => true,
ssl_ca => 'ca.pem',
ssl_cert => 'master-ldap.pem',
ssl_key => 'master-ldap.key',
NOTE: SSL certificates should reside in you puppet master file repository 'puppet:///files/ldap/'
Configure an OpenLdap slave:
class { 'ldap::server::slave':
suffix => 'dc=foo,dc=bar',
rootpw => '{SHA}iEPX+SQWIR3p67lj/0zigSWTKHg=',
sync_rid => '1234',
sync_provider => 'ldap://ldapmaster'
sync_updatedn => 'cn=admin,dc=foo,dc=bar',
sync_binddn => 'cn=sync,dc=foo,dc=bar',
sync_bindpw => 'super_secret',
schema_inc => [ 'gosa/samba3', 'gosa/gosystem' ],
index_inc => [
'index memberUid eq',
'index mail eq',
'index givenName eq,subinitial',
Ldap client / server configuration tested on:
- Debian: 5.0 / 6.0
- Redhat: 5.x / 6.x
- CentOS: 5.x / 6.x
- OpenSuSe: 12.x
- SLES: 11.x
- If nsswitch is enabled (nsswitch => true) you'll need puppet-nsswitch
- If pam is enabled (pam => true) you'll need puppet-pam
- If enable_motd is enabled (enable_motd => true) you'll need puppet-motd
- ldap::server::master and ldap::server::slave do not copy the schemas specified by index_inc. It just adds an include to slapd
- Need support for extending ACLs
Copyleft (C) 2012 Emiliano Castagnari ecastag@gmail.com (a.k.a. Torian)