In an effort to reduce duplication of work we have generated the dashboard sdks that different teams can use instead of creating they own client .
This is the dashboard sdk generated from the open Api specs.
Report any issue you may encounter while using this Sdk .
Since the SDK is still experimental, we adopt a versioning scheme that reflects both its developmental status and the specific dashboard version used to generate it. For example, a tag like v0.0.1-dashboard.5.7.2
indicates that:
- v0.0.1 – The SDK is in an early, experimental stage and may undergo breaking changes.
- -dashboard.5.7.2 – The SDK was generated from Dashboard version 5.7.2.
This versioning strategy ensures clear traceability, allowing users to easily identify which Gateway version the SDK is compatible with.
go get github.com/TykTechnologies/dashboard-sdk@v0.0.1-dashboard.5.7.2
package main
import (
var (
BaseUrl = "http://localhost:3000"
var sampleOAS = `{"openapi":"3.0.3","info":{"title":"OAS Sample","description":"This is a sample OAS.","version":"1.0.0"},"servers":[{"url":"https://localhost:8080"}],"security":[{"bearerAuth":[]}],"paths":{"/api/sample/users":{"get":{"tags":["users"],"summary":"Get users","operationId":"getUsers","responses":{"200":{"description":"fetched users","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string"}}}}}}}}}}},"components":{"securitySchemes":{"bearerAuth":{"type":"http","scheme":"bearer","description":"The API Access Credentials"}}},"x-tyk-api-gateway":{"info":{"name":"user","state":{"active":true}},"upstream":{"url":"https://localhost:8080"},"server":{"listenPath":{"value":"/user-test/","strip":true}}}}`
func main() {
client := configDashboard()
apiResp, err := createOASAPI(client)
if err != nil {
func createOASAPI(client *dashboard.APIClient) (*dashboard.ApiResponse, error) {
var oasData dashboard.CreateApiOASRequest
err := oasData.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(sampleOAS))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
apiResponse, rep, err := client.OASAPIsAPI.CreateApiOAS(context.Background()).CreateApiOASRequest(oasData).Execute()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return apiResponse, nil
func configDashboard() *dashboard.APIClient {
dashConfig := dashboard.Configuration{
DefaultHeader: map[string]string{},
Debug: false,
Servers: dashboard.ServerConfigurations{
URL: BaseUrl,
dashConfig.AddDefaultHeader("authorization", "Bearer "+<YOUR SECRET HERE>)
client := dashboard.NewAPIClient(&dashConfig)
return client
For documentation please look here.