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Dashboard Sdks (Alpha)

  • In an effort to reduce duplication of work we have generated the dashboard sdks that different teams can use instead of creating they own client .

  • This is the dashboard sdk generated from the open Api specs.

  • Report any issue you may encounter while using this Sdk .


Since the SDK is still experimental, we adopt a versioning scheme that reflects both its developmental status and the specific dashboard version used to generate it. For example, a tag like v0.0.1-dashboard.5.7.2 indicates that:

  • v0.0.1 – The SDK is in an early, experimental stage and may undergo breaking changes.
  • -dashboard.5.7.2 – The SDK was generated from Dashboard version 5.7.2.

This versioning strategy ensures clear traceability, allowing users to easily identify which Gateway version the SDK is compatible with.

How to install

To install the SDK generated for a specific dashboard version (e.g., 5.7.2), run:

go get

Example of creating an OAS API using SDKs.

package main

import (


var (
	BaseUrl = "http://localhost:3000"
var sampleOAS = `{"openapi":"3.0.3","info":{"title":"OAS Sample","description":"This is a sample OAS.","version":"1.0.0"},"servers":[{"url":"https://localhost:8080"}],"security":[{"bearerAuth":[]}],"paths":{"/api/sample/users":{"get":{"tags":["users"],"summary":"Get users","operationId":"getUsers","responses":{"200":{"description":"fetched users","content":{"application/json":{"schema":{"type":"array","items":{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string"}}}}}}}}}}},"components":{"securitySchemes":{"bearerAuth":{"type":"http","scheme":"bearer","description":"The API Access Credentials"}}},"x-tyk-api-gateway":{"info":{"name":"user","state":{"active":true}},"upstream":{"url":"https://localhost:8080"},"server":{"listenPath":{"value":"/user-test/","strip":true}}}}`

func main() {
	client := configDashboard()

	apiResp, err := createOASAPI(client)
	if err != nil {

func createOASAPI(client *dashboard.APIClient) (*dashboard.ApiResponse, error) {
	var oasData dashboard.CreateApiOASRequest
	err := oasData.UnmarshalJSON([]byte(sampleOAS))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	apiResponse, rep, err := client.OASAPIsAPI.CreateApiOAS(context.Background()).CreateApiOASRequest(oasData).Execute()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return apiResponse, nil

func configDashboard() *dashboard.APIClient {
	dashConfig := dashboard.Configuration{
		DefaultHeader: map[string]string{},
		Debug:         false,
		Servers: dashboard.ServerConfigurations{
				URL: BaseUrl,
	dashConfig.AddDefaultHeader("authorization", "Bearer "+<YOUR SECRET HERE>)

	client := dashboard.NewAPIClient(&dashConfig)

	return client


For documentation please look here.