TrustyJAID's Cogs for Red-DiscordBot.To add the cogs to your instance please do: [p]repo add Trusty-cogs /~
Name | Status/Version | Description (Click to see full status) | Authors |
AddImage | 1.3.5 | Add images for direct upload per guild and globally.Add image for the bot to directly upload similar to alias. |
TrustyJAID |
AdventureAlert | 1.5.1 | Receive notifications from adventure activities!Receive notifications from adventure activities! |
TrustyJAID |
Alignment | 1.0.0 | Create an alignment chart!Generate an alignment chart from users! |
TrustyJAID |
APNGFilter | 1.0.1 | Automatically filter animated PNG's.Automatically filter animated PNG's. |
TrustyJAID, Sinbad, and Soulrift |
Automod | 1.0.4 | Discord AutomodA cog to interact with Discord Automod. |
TrustyJAID |
Badges | 1.2.0 | Create your own badge!Create your own badge with your discord info. |
TrustyJAID |
Bingo | 1.2.2 | Play Bingo!Generate a bingo card to play on your server! |
TrustyJAID |
CAH | 1.1.0 | Cards Against Humanity®Play Cards Against Humanity®! |
TrustyJAID, crhallberg, and Cards Against Humanity® |
Citation | 1.3.0 | Create your own PapersPlease citation!Make your own Papers Please citation |
Saphire and TrustyJAID |
Cleverbot | 2.4.5 | Talk with Cleverbot!Have your bot respond with cleverbot responses. Supports tweaks to customize the responses! |
Twentysix and TrustyJAID |
Compliment | 1.0.0 | Compliment people in a creative wayCompliment people in a creative way |
Airen, JennJenn, and TrustyJAID |
Conversions | 1.3.2 | Conversions for currencies, crypto-currencies, and stocks.Conversions for currencies, crypto-currencies, and stocks. |
TrustyJAID |
CrabRave | 1.2.0 | Make Crab rave videos, in discord!Create your very own Crab Rave videos with custom text! This cog requires FFMPEG, moviepy (/~, and imagemagick to work. This cog downloads a template video and font file which is then saved locally and generates crab rave videos from the template. Old videos are deleted after uploading. This cog may consume heavy resources rendering videos. |
DankMemer Team, TrustyJAID, and thisisjvgrace |
2.0.0 | Thanks for installing |
Elements | 1.1.1 | Periodic table of elementsGet a plethora of information about elements on the periodic table. |
TrustyJAID |
Encoding | 1.3.1 | Encode messages into various types of encoding.Encode messages into various types of encoding. Encoding types include: DNA, binary, Caeser cipher, hex, base 64, character, and braille. |
TrustyJAID |
EventPoster | 2.1.4 | Admin approved announcments/eventsAllow users to setup and host events to be approved by admins. |
TrustyJAID |
ExtendedModLog | 2.12.5 | ExtendedModLog, track changes made in the server.Log changes within the server using extended modlogs, an extension of RedBot cores modlog. |
RePulsR and TrustyJAID |
Fenrir | 1.2.0 | Give users the option to kick, ban, or insult themselves via reactions.Create reaction messages to kick or ban users! |
TrustyJAID |
Fun | 1.4.0 | Various fun commands like react, textflip, and regionalAll sorts of commands that users may find fun or useful |
Appu and TrustyJAID |
Hockey | 4.4.0 | Hockey commandsA cog to gather hockey scores, schedules, player data and more! |
TrustyJAID |
Hue | 1.3.0 | Control your philips hue lights with redbot!Lets you control your philips hue lights with redbot. |
TrustyJAID |
Imagemaker | 1.6.0 | Create your own feels!Show how you really feel. Make someone beautiful. Make something illegal. |
TrustyJAID, Ivan Seidel (, Bruno Lemos (, and João Pedro ( |
Imgflip | 3.0.0 | Recreation of Red v1 meme generatorRecreation of Red v1 meme generator |
Twentysix and TrustyJAID |
Insult | 1.0.0 | Airen, JennJenn, and TrustyJAID | |
InviteBlocklist | 1.1.6 | Block or Allow invite links based on guild ID. Accepts invite links to extract guild ID's.Automatically delete discord invite links from specific guilds or allow only specified guild invites to be posted. |
TrustyJAID |
MentionPrefix | 1.1.0 | This cog allows ping the bot to see the prefixes available.This cog allows ping the bot to see the prefixes available. |
Draper and TrustyJAID |
Mock | 1.1.0 | Mock another user!Mock another user! If you need the core dev commands start the bot without the--dev flag and install the loaddev cog in my repo that allows you to replace mock with whatever you choose. |
TrustyJAID |
NASA | 1.0.0 | Cog for getting info from NASA's APIGet information from NASA's API |
TrustyJAID |
NotSoBot | 2.6.0 | Some working commands from NotSoBotMagick, trigger and manipulate images with many commands from NotSoSuper's NotSoBot. This cog has a lot of requirements, view the cog for details. |
NotSoSuper and TrustyJAID |
1.2.0 | A cog to post updates from reddit.Reddit commands for getting updates on specified subreddits. |
TrustyJAID | |
Rekt | 1.0.0 | Get REKTAre you REKT? |
TrustyJAID |
ReTrigger | 2.29.1 | Trigger events via Regular Expressions!Trigger events based on regex! Check out and /~ for help setting up the cog. Note: This cog can become quite resource heavy. Optional features are available if the requirements are present such as pillow for image resizing and pytesseract to scan images for text (OCR). |
TrustyJAID |
RoleTools | 1.5.16 | Various role related tools.Various role utility commands. Including Reaction roles, Sticky roles, and Auto role. |
TrustyJAID |
runescape | 1.5.2 | Show your Runescape stats in discord!A cog to grab Runescape and OSRS stats and profile information. |
TrustyJAID |
ServerStats | 1.8.0 | A plethora of potentially useful commands for any bot owner.A plethora of potentially useful commands for any bot owner. Includes a way to track the bot joining new servers, find cheaters on global economies, get user avatars and even larger emojis. |
TrustyJAID and Preda |
Spotify | 1.8.0 | Control Spotify through Discord!This cog allows you to control Spotify via OAuth through the bot on discord. Use[p]spotify to see available commands. |
TrustyJAID and NeuroAssassin |
Starboard | 2.6.0 | StarboardCreate a starboard channel to save those amazing posts! |
TrustyJAID |
Tarot | 1.3.0 | General commandsFind your tarot reading, your life reading, or pull a random tarot card! |
TrustyJAID |
Timestamp | 1.4.0 | Discord Timestamp GeneratorA cog to generate discord timestamps! |
TrustyJAID |
Translate | 2.6.0 | Translate messages using google translate!Add flag emojis to messages to translate to that language or translate messages by command. |
Aziz and TrustyJAID |
Turbo | 1.0.0 | Relive that 90's computer feel with turbo mode on any command!Add turbo mode to all your commands! |
TrustyJAID |
Tweets | 3.0.1 | Cog for getting info from TwitterGets the latest Tweet from twitter accounts and posts them in the specified channels |
palmtree5 and TrustyJAID |
Twitch | 1.4.0 | Get basic twitch account information.Get notified of new twitch followers and get basic profile info. |
TrustyJAID |
Weather | 1.5.1 | Show the current weather in specified locations!Check the current weather in many cities around the world including in Kelvin. |
TrustyJAID |
Welcome | 2.5.3 | Welcome new users to the serverWelcome new users to the server or say goodbye when they leave. |
irdumb and TrustyJAID |
Any questions you can find TrustyBot and myself over on my server or on the Redbot Cog Support server.
Thank you to everyone who has pushed me to think about new ideas and implement them. Including but not limited to:
- Airen
- Appu
- Aziz
- Bruno Lemos (
- Cards Against Humanity®
- DankMemer Team
- Draper
- Ivan Seidel (
- JennJenn
- João Pedro (
- NeuroAssassin
- NotSoSuper
- Preda
- RePulsR
- Saphire
- Sinbad
- Soulrift
- Twentysix
- crhallberg
- irdumb
- palmtree5
- thisisjvgrace