ACSO-IOMMU Kernel Patch making
This is entirely for making patchfiles for the acso-krnl-utils or anyone who wants acso patch files
It works pretty wll for me but there is a big CAVEAT
it doesnt use patch tools to find the insertion points for the patches in the realm of patchmaking this is a bit of a no-no
That being said - one is able to review the changes to the files prior to the aproper patch being created.
Think of it more as a helper
My Mileage was:
These are test I ran :
I was able to generate a patch file for EVERY kernel source from linux-4.10.130 to linux-5.14-rc3 Yes I ran the script over that many kernel sources. - sounds excessive but wasnt that difficult to script
I then selected a random group of 30 different kernel sources and ran a patch and compile script on them and they all compiled without issues
All the patches were hashed to find uniqueness - (see and renamed to indicate the range of kernels they apply to
What goes on in here is basically:
download kernel source - put it in tarballs_dir (see the source) and while you're there fix up patch_dir to point where you need it
tarballs_dir="your kernel source(s) live here" patch_dir="your patch files will be put here"
run the script and you'll end upt with a patchfile THAT YOU SHOULD REVIEW BEFORE APPLYING
Next, extract your kernel source somewhere - apply your new patch and build your accso kernel
If you enjoy hacking bash scripts, one might hack this script into a acso kernel patcher and skip creating patch files altogether - I prefer being able to inspect the patch file and the source code before and after patching to make sure things look right prior to compiling
On one hand downloading and applying patches is cool if thats all you wanna do and you trust the patch and its source.
With this script there is only ONE source for the code that will be inserted into the kernel sources and it is included in this script - It is commented to make it easier to find the added code in the kernel source file. All steps are transparent and verifiable.
Please keep in mind that I wrote this to do some testing and help make patchfile - This script has not been hardened and may be brittle in places. Experienced programmers/script guru's will know what I mean.
If anyon does start using it and any interest develops, I'll tidy the code some more and make it as robust as I can
Enjoy - hope you find this useful