Kotlin application that opens REST service for matching keywords. It exposes two endpoints:
- POST /generate which will prepare the application's state for search of keywords meeting the pattern
'([abcdef]{3}\d){1,2}' - GET /search?text=... where text is a required query parameter.
To start, navigate to /jar folder and run:
java -jar pattern_matcher.jar
Optionally, you can also include your desired port (default it 7111), e.g.
java -jar pattern_matcher.jar 7444
Then on other terminal, run:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:7111/generate"
- to run initial analysiscurl -X GET "http://localhost:7111/search?text=abc1abb4bcc0""
- to find matching words contained in the input 'abc1abb4bcc0'
(just use Git Bash, if your 'curl' command is not knoww)
You can also try this via swagger UI: open your web browser on /swagger-ui endpoint at given PORT, e.g.
Used libraries: