Currently AraCred is running on:
- CadCAD Discourse
- TE Discord
- TE GitHub
- BlockScience CadCAD repos
- Additionally repos from trail blazing token engineers! If your work includes cadCAD modeling of token economies, protocols or web3 platforms feel free to submit a pull request for inclusion in the repo list found in /~ We'll review the repo and approve the pull request if its found to be a good fit for this community.
The DAO that AraCred is currently minting tokens for is the TE Commons DAO. AraCred is set to mint once per week, which at the time of writing is the default miniting period for SourceCred periods. This way we only mint tokens for the cred earned that weeek vs minting tokens for the total cred each time.
Please see the AraCred Deployment page for info on how to setup and run AraCred.