Applicative configuration inspired by the talk Move Over Free Monads: Make Way for Free Applicatives!
You can use the applicative DSL in Data.Config
to build a description of your
configuration. This description contains the keys and types of your
configuration, for consumption by various interpreters. Here is an example of
such a description, for PostgreSQL connections:
import Database.PostgreSQL (PoolConfiguration)
postgreSQLPool :: Config {name :: String} PoolConfiguration
postgreSQLPool =
{ user: _, password: _, host: _, port: _, database: _
, max: 10, idleTimeoutMillis: 0 }
<$> string {name: "user"}
<*> string {name: "password"}
<*> string {name: "host"}
<*> int {name: "port"}
<*> string {name: "database"}
Currently two interpreters are provided.
This interpreter is called fromEnv
and can be found in Data.Config.Node
import Control.Monad.Maybe.Trans (runMaybeT)
import Data.Config.Node (fromEnv)
main :: ∀ eff. Eff (process :: PROCESS | eff) Unit
main = do
config <- fromEnv "DB" postgreSQLPool
When applied to the above description, it will read these environment variables,
derived from the name
fields in the records in the description:
. It returns a set
of incorrect variables (Left
), or the complete configuration (Right
This interpreter is called help
and can be found in Data.Config.Help
. It
returns a data structure that represents a help document. It requires that in
addition to name
fields, you provide info
fields with documentation. Passing
the return value of help
to renderHelp
(from the same module) will
pretty-print the help into a string.