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Delivery System: Microservices-based Application


Delivery System is a scalable, microservices-based project built with Go. It follows Clean Code Architecture principles and supports gRPC and message brokers for service-to-service communication. The project includes authentication & authorization, email and push notifications, SQL & NoSQL databases, caching, file storage, and distributed tracing.

The project is about Delivery System which consists of four microservices:

  • API Gateway
  • Orders Service
  • Partners Service
  • Notifications Service

Each service is containerized using Docker and orchestrated via Docker Compose and Kubernetes. The project also features automatic database schema migration, mock tests, and Swagger documentation for APIs.

Project Structure

│── cmd/                        # Main service binaries
│   ├── api/                    # API Gateway, authentication & authorization service
│   ├── notifications/          # Push Notifications service
│   ├── orders/                 # Orders service
│   ├── partners/               # Partners and products service
│── configs/                    # Configuration files
│── design/                     # System design diagrams
│── docs/                       # API documentation (Swagger)
│── internal/                   # Core business logic (private)
│── migrations/                 # Database migrations
│── pkg/                        # Shared utility packages
│── postgres_data/              # Folder contains data postgres (mounted from docker)
│── minio_data/                 # Folder contains data S3 (mounted from docker)
│── thirty_party/               # Thirty party used in project (implement interface in package pkg, e.g. minio, keycloak,...)
│── scripts/                    # All scripts are related to database, etc...
│── docker-compose.yml          # Docker Compose configuration
│── .dockerignore               # Files and directories to exclude when building Docker images
│── Makefile                    # Automation commands
│── go.mod, go.sum              # Go dependencies
│──                   # Project documentation


  • Clean Architecture: Well-structured and maintainable.
  • Microservices Architecture: Independent, scalable services.
  • gRPC & Message Broker: Efficient inter-service communication.
  • Authentication & Authorization: Secure access management.
  • Redis Caching: Performance improvements with in-memory caching.
  • SQL & NoSQL Databases: PostgreSQL and a NoSQL solution for optimized and flexible data storage.
  • Push Notifications: Asynchronous messaging for push notifications.
  • File Storage: Persistent storage solution.
  • Distributed Tracing: OpenTelemetry for performance monitoring.
  • Swagger API Documentation: Easy API consumption.
  • Comprehensive Testing: Unit tests and integration tests.
  • Docker & Kubernetes Ready: Containerized for scalability.
  • Custom HTTP Router: Optimized request processing.

Tech stack:

  • Language programming: Golang
  • Storage: Postgres, Redis, S3 (minio instead)
  • Interconnection: gRPC, HTTP, websocket
  • Authention system: Keycloak
  • Message broker: Kafka
  • Distributed tracing: Jeager (handle metric and provide UI), Opentelemetry (collect all information like metric, service name, etc.. and export data to Jeager)

This project was inspired by open-source resources. Thanks to the projects for helping shape the idea and source code to reference and development: