ITDroid is a testing framework for Android applications oriented to Internationalization.
Download and compile MutAPK with the following commands:
git clone /~
cd ITDroid
mvn clean
mvn package
The generated runnable jar can be found in: ITDroid/target/ITDroid-0.0.1.jar
To run ITDroid use the following command, specifying the required arguments:
java -jar ITDroid-0.0.1.jar <APKPath> <AppPackage> <ExtraComponentFolder> <settingsDir> <alpha> <Output>
Provide the following list of required arguments when running MutAPK:
: relative path of the apk to mutate;AppPackage
: App main package name;ExtraCompFolder
: relative path of the extra component folder (ITDroid/extra/
: relative path to the folder containing the
: Amount of untranslatable stringsOutput
: relative path of the folder where the test results will be stored;
Languagues can be selected or deselected editing the
file. To deselect a language, either comment (#) or delete the corresponding line.
cd ITDroid
java -jar target/ITDroid-1.0.0.jar foo.apk ./extra/ ./ 2 ./results/
The output directory will contain the results from the excuted tests and the intermediate steps