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Installation on Windows

Harley Hicks edited this page Sep 20, 2017 · 11 revisions

In the future, much of the instructions below will be automated so that setup is quick and painless.

This has been tested on Windows 7 and Windows 10.

Create the Virtual Environment

It is recommended to run Tenma in a Python Virtual Environment.

  1. Install Python 3.5 or greater:
    • NOTE: When installing, make sure to check the "Add Python.exe to Path" checkbox.
  2. Install Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools:
  3. Run the following commands in Command Prompt:
    1. Install Virtual Environment: pip install virtualenv
    2. Change to the directory you want install Tenma. For example, if you want to install this in your Documents folder: cd Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\Documents
    3. Create your virtual environment: virtualenv venv
    4. Activate virtual environment: Scripts\activate

Install Tenma

  1. Download the repository, unarchive it, and rename it to tenmaserver.

  2. Copy the tenmaserver to the venv directory. The directory should look like the following:

    |- Include
    |- Lib
    |- Scripts
    |- tcl
    |- tenmaserver
       |- comics
       |- files
       |- etc.
  3. Run the following commands in Command Prompt:

    1. Change into the tenmaserver directory: cd Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\Documents\venv\tenmaserver
    2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
    3. Generate a secret key (for Django security): python generatesecretkey
    4. Create your database: python migrate
    5. Create your admin user: python createsuperuser
  4. Open a second command prompt window and run the following commands:

    1. Change into the venv directory: cd Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\Documents\venv
    2. Activate virtual environment: Scripts\activate
    3. Change into the tenmaserver directory: cd Users\[YOUR WINDOWS USERNAME]\Documents\venv\tenmaserver
    4. Start up Celery for task management: celery -A tenma worker --loglevel=info
    5. Keep Celery running!

Get Running!

  1. In your first command prompt window, start your local server: python runserver [YOUR IP ADDRESS]:8000
    • For example: python runserver
  2. In your browser, go to http://[YOUR IP ADDRESS]:8000
    • For example:

Next, you'll want to import your comics.