This repository provides a boilerplate codebase for developing flutter applications using dart. It aims to provide a starting point with preconfigured project structure, common libraries, and best practices to kickstart your flutter development process.
- Getting Started
- Software and Version Install flutter
- Features
- Clone Project
- Folder Structure
- Dependencies
This project is a starting point for a Android application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Android project:
For help getting started with flutter development, refer to the official flutter documentation, which provides tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a comprehensive API reference.
- [](
Install Android Studio : Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 2
Xcode (14.2) Install :
Android supported version:
- compileSdk 33
- minSdk 21
- targetSdk 33
- versionCode 1
- versionName "1.0"
git clone /~
After cloning the project, you can open it in Android Studio by following these steps:
- Open Android Studio.
- Select "Open an existing Android Studio project" from the welcome screen.
- Navigate to the directory where you cloned the project and select the project folder.
- Click "OK" to open the project in Android Studio.
- Android Studio will take some time to index and set up the project.
- Once the indexing is complete, you can start working on the Flutter project in Android Studio.
- Enable dart support to the current project.
- If configuration not set then in android studio go to add configuration and add path of main.dart
- Go to pubspec.yaml file or into terminal of project path run command: flutter pub get
- After these steps run project.
- Getx Pattern (get: ^4.6.5)
│ ├── android
│ ├── assests
│ ├── build
│ ├── ios
│ ├── lib
│ ├── global
│ ├── app_localization
│ ├── component
│ ├── constant
│ ├── dialogue
│ ├── extention
│ ├── preference
│ ├── theme
│ ├── utils
│ ├── widgets
│ ├── src
│ ├── routes
│ ├── view
│ ├── flutter_boilerplate
│ ├── main
├── analysis_options.yaml
├── pubspec.yaml
- get: 4.6.5 -> Used for Getx Pattern
- loading_indicator: ^3.0.2 -> Used for create custom loader
- google_fonts: 4.0.3
-> Used fonts from
- pin_code_fields: ^7.4.0 -> Used generate pin code fields
- flutter_svg: ^2.0.5 -> Used for painting and displaying Scalable Vector Graphics
- get_storage: ^2.0.3 -> Used for create store data in app session
- overlay_support: ^2.0.1 -> easy to build toast and internal notification
- flutter_localization: ^0.1.10 -> Used for in-app localization with map data
- image_picker: ^0.8.5+3 -> Used for pick images from camera & gallery
- file_picker: -> Used for pick documents
- image_cropper: ^3.0.0 -> Used for crop images
- permission_handler: ^10.0.0 -> Used for handle permission
- webview_flutter: ^3.0.4 -> Used for WebView widget on Android and iOS.
- url_launcher: -> Used for Launch the Url.
- connectivity_plus: -> Used for Internet connection to check whether it is connected or not.
- lottie: -> Used for Annimated assets.
- Registration Screen
- Login Screen
- Forgot-password Screen
- OTP Verification Screen
- Reset Password Screen
- Edit Profile Screen
- Upload Photo from Camera & Gallery
- Dashboard UI with Bottom TabNavigation
- AboutUs Screen
- Terms-Conditions Screen
- Privacy-Policy Screen
- Change Language Screen
- Logout Screen
- English
- French
- Russian
- This project is licensed under the MIT License