A calendar that adds an environment to your daily routine.
/~https://github.com/Arielle0222 | /~https://github.com/jorippppong |
김서희 (Seohee Kim) | 조유리 (Yuri Cho) |
- APK Download
- Video https://youtu.be/aUiaK_zgogw
- 11(Sustainable cities and Communities),
- 15 (Life On Land)
If you look at the calendar with your busy schedule, there are many small anniversaries, such as World Forest Day on March 21, World Honeybee Day on March 20, and International Clean Air Day on July 7. But this day often passes by without even knowing what kind of day it is, what it is doing, or what it is for.
We think we should change the indifference of urban people to the environment first. In order for people's perceptions to change that much, environmental problems must permeate our daily lives and get used to them. As if we all had a hard time wearing masks in the early days of COVID-19, but now we wear them habitually, and now we are used to them and don't want to take them off.
In other words, it is not easy for people living in our city to worry about other additional problems because their daily lives are busy. So I thought it would be nice to have a service for busy city people, a service that specifically tells them when and how to act to alleviate environmental problems, and a service that can melt into their daily lives.
Sign up, Sign in
- Sign up and Sign in can be performed with the technology provided by Firebase and Greendor itself.
- You can Sign up and Sign in through your Google account using Firebase.
- The TO DO solved in the month is converted into % and shown
- Pressing a date will move you to the TO DO list for that day.
- The bottom shows endangered animals and plants, and when you touch the image, you go to the page where you can see detailed explanations.
- Clicking on the button below will redirect you to the ICUN website, where you can access detailed information about endangered species.
TO DO list
- When TO DO is completed, touch the check button to indicate completion.
- You can upload and delete photos related to TO DO.
- TO DO provided by the service cannot be modified and deleted, but TO DO created by the user can be modified and deleted.
- You can add, modify, and delete your own TO DO.