DO NOT use this code, in part or in totality, to cheat, or produce code that would eventually lead to cheat.
This project is a library that provides functionalities to load Monster Hunter: World master data.
Note that for the moment the project is not complete, and not all data is covered.
Data from MHW are stored in files named chunk*.bin
, those files are compressed and encrypted. This project works on decrypted and decompressed files.
In order to decrypt and decompress the .bin
files, use WorldChunkTool. It produces files named chunk*.pkg
, which are the input for MHWMasterDataUtils
Note that WorldChunkTool also propose to extract the .pkg
files (outputs tons of small files) but this is not required, since MHWMasterDataUtils
directly works on .pkg
for more convenience. Moreover, extraction of the inner files is an extremely long process.
The main project is MHWMasterDataUtils
, and the main types are the ones inheriting from IPackageProcessor
, the PackageReader
and all types in the MHWMasterDataUtils.Builders
You can have a look at the project MHWMasterDataUtils.Exporter
to see how to use the library, this is a good sample project.
The PackageReader
type exposes only a constructor and a Run
method. The constructor takes an optional logger and a collection of IPackageProcessor
, which are the one doing all the hard work. The Run
method takes a path, where is will look for all the .pkg
files and run the IPackageProcessor
s over those files, in order from newest to oldest.
Many IPackageProcessor
type are already provided:
- Base processors:
: Provides a default implementation for non-criticalIPackageProcessor
methods (can be replaced by interface default implementation when C# 8 becomes mainstream)ListPackageProcessorBase
: Provides an implementation to load entries of a custom type based on a common pattern, as a list of entries. Duplicates or older entries are accumulated.MapPackageProcessorBase
: Provides an implementation to load entries of a custom type based on a common pattern, as a dictionary of entries. Duplicates or older entries are skipped.
- Specific processors:
: Loads armor pieces.CraftPackageProcessor
: Loads information required for equipment craft and upgrades.ItemsPackageProcessor
: Loads all items.JewelPackageProcessor
: Loads jewels.LanguagePackageProcessor
: Loads translation texts for a given file pattern.SharpnessPackageProcessor
: Loads melee weapons sharpness.SkillAbilitiesPackageProcessor
: Loads skill abilities (detailed levels of a skill, e.g. 7 levels of Attack).SkillsPackageProcessor
: Loads skills.AmmoPackageProcessor
: Loads bowguns shells information.SwitchAxePhialPackageProcessor
: Loads switch axes phials information.BowBottleTablePackageProcessor
: Loads bow coatings.DualBladesSpecialPackageProcessor
: Loads dual blades specific information (double elements).GunlanceShellPackageProcessor
: Loads shelling information specific to the gunlance.HuntingHornNotesPackageProcessor
: Loads hunting horns notes.HuntingHornSongsPackageProcessor
: Loads hunting horns songs.WeaponsPackageProcessor
: Loads weapons data, per weapon type.WeaponUpgradePackageProcessor
: Loads weapon trees.
One can reuse the base processors to implement new ones.
The "builders" are types that use intermediate data extracted by IPackageProcessor
s to produce higher level data, such as data exported to JSON files. They do not inherit from any type. However, builders for weapons and armors are still organized in type hierarchy.
: Base builder for all weapon builders.MeleeWeaponWeaponBuilderBase
: Base builder for all melee weapon builders.ChargeBladeWeaponBuilder
: Builds charge blades.DualBladesWeaponBuilder
: Builds dual blades.GreatSwordWeaponBuilder
: Builds great swords.GunlanceWeaponBuilder
: Builds gunlances.HammerWeaponBuilder
: Builds hammers.HuntingHornWeaponBuilder
: Builds hunting horns.InsectGlaiveWeaponBuilder
: Builds insect glaives.LanceWeaponBuilder
: Builds lances.LongSwordWeaponBuilder
: Builds long swords.SwitchAxeWeaponBuilder
: Builds switch axes.SwordAndShieldWeaponBuilder
: Builds swords and shields.
: Builds bows.BowgunWeaponBuilder
: Builds heavy and light bowguns.
: Base builder for equipment.ArmorPieceEquipmentBuilder
: Builds heads, chests, arms, waists and legs.CharmEquipmentBuilder
: Builds charms.
: Builds items.SkillBuilder
: Builds skills.WeaponTreeNameBuilder
: Builds weapon tree names.ArmorSeriesBuilder
: Builds armor series names.JewelBuilder
: Builds jewels.
The solution contains a project named MHWMasterDataUtils.Core
, which holds the high level types required to load exported data. The reason for this library to be lose-coupled from the rest is because it is allows to load this assembly in tools without loading all package processors, builders and other "offline" stuffs.
Special thanks to Frederik Schumacher for his wonderful work on the Monster Hunter World data wiki
- GitLab: (private)
- GitHub: /~
Also thanks to the modding community (Discord:
- AsteriskAmpersand for helping with various topics
- Deathcream for helping me understand the sharpness values
Monster Hunter™ and Monster Hunter: World™ are registered trademarks or trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd.