WebGPU is a new graphics API in the making. It is similar to other modern graphics APIs like Vulkan, DX12 or Metal (https://hacks.mozilla.org/2020/04/experimental-webgpu-in-firefox/). WebGPU has the big advantage of working directly in the browser (currently only in the Canary/Nightly branches) and natively (for example with https://dawn.googlesource.com/dawn) as a standalone application.
Even if it's called WebGPU, it isn't limited to the web and could be used for a cross platform render engine with minimal overhead on native platforms without implementing a backend for every graphics API.
To further support this point, this project is entirely written in C99 and uses emscripten, on which I helped to update the WebGPU binding (emscripten-core/emscripten#11067), to compile to WebAssembly (+ HTML/JavaScript glue). Supporting native builds is on the To-Do list.
If you have a WebGPU compatible browser (/~https://github.com/gpuweb/gpuweb/wiki/Implementation-Status) you can watch the most recent demo live at https://tandaradei.github.io/
- Added backend for Dear ImGui (via cimgui C bindings)
- Added input handling
- Used for UI
- Used for camera movement in the scene
- Big refactoring of RenderPipelines
- Added SceneNode tree structure for scene hierarchy
- Improved glTF loading further, to load node transformations and an arbitary numbers of nodes / meshes / primitives / materials
- Changed scene to Sponza which is loaded from glTF consisting of 1 node / 1 mesh / 103 primitives and 25 materials using a total of 69 textures
- Streamlined glTF loading, so that multiple simple (1 mesh/ 1 primitive / 1 material) glTF files can be loaded now
- Improved PBR shader slightly (normals from normal maps were off)
- Avocado model imported from a simple (1 mesh / 1 primitive / 1 material) glTF file (using cgltf to parse the JSON)
- Same scene but now with PBR textures (diffuse, metalness, roughness, normal) and adequate lighting
- Textured cubes that are rotating around their center
- Light + shadow from a spotlight (using a shadow map)
- Phong lighting
I use WSL 1 with Ubuntu 19.10 (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/about) to build and Chrome Canary / Firefox Nightly (both directly on Windows 10) to run
- Install latest emsdk https://emscripten.org/docs/getting_started/downloads.html
- Install also
- CMake
- glslc
- Clone this repository
git clone /~https://github.com/Tandaradei/webgpu-wasm
cd webgpu-wasm
git submodule init
git submodule update
- cd into the base directory of webgpu-wasm
- Needs to be done once at the start of a session
source setup_emscripten.sh
(it assumes that the emsdk folder is in the same directory as the webgpu-wasm folder)
- emcmake cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Release|Debug> build
- cmake --build build
- The output artifact will be emitted in the webgpu-wasm/out directory
- cd into the base directory of webgpu-wasm
- [Once] Start a basic web server in the out directory
- for example with
(automatically starts a simple python web server in the out directory)
- for example with
- Go to localhost:8080 with a webgpu compatible browser
- Choose one of the presented builds