Teresa Salazar García-Rosales is a tech recruiter and talent acquisition specialist.
She has a passion for karaoke, roleplaying, escape rooms, and technology.
I'm currently learning Python.
- 📫 How to reach me: Through any of my social media profiles. My DMs are open!
- ⚧️ Pronouns: she/her
- ⚡ Fun fact: I built my first website in the 90s. It was a Dragon Ball fansite!
- 🎬 Favorite movies: Dogma, Clue, The Princess Bride, The Social Network
- 📚 Favorite Books: Discworld, Circe, The Secret History, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
- 🏦 Working at: Clue Technologies
Linktree - 2023: The Gift of Feedback at Parabol
- 2023: Supporting Working Parents
- 2022: How to Prepare for a Scrum Master Interview: Expert Recruiter Q&A
- 2022: Parabol at the Big Easy
- 2021: Un estudio de caso de narrativas autobiográficas intergeneracionales.
- 2021: Podcast En Pixeles: Mitos en los procesos de selección
- 2021: La Transformación Digital en Recursos Humanos - Universidad Isabel I
- 2019: El Lado Oscuro del Scraping en Recruiting - PyConEs19
- 2019: El Lado Oscuro de la Digitalización en Recursos Humanos - Universidad Nebrija