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Releases: TLCFEM/suanPan


08 Feb 18:09
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What's New:

  1. add AFCO1D material with strain memory #217
  2. update Catch2 to version 3.7.1
  3. add Subloading1D material #219
  4. add Subloading~~Metal~~ material #221
  5. add arm64 build
  6. update Armadillo to version 14.2.3
  7. update VTK to version 9.4.0
  8. update HDF5 to version 1.14.5
  9. update OpenBLAS to version 0.3.29
  10. revise US and EU section database
  11. add support of AMD Optimizing CPU Libraries (AOCL) on linux
  12. update TBB to version 2022.0.0


11 Sep 18:50
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What's New:

  1. add MaxForce constraint #204
  2. update Armadillo to version 14.0.2
  3. update OpenBLAS to version 0.3.28
  4. update Catch2 to version 3.7.0
  5. revise stiffness matrix formulation in shell elements #208
  6. add dev containers for easier DE setup


11 May 23:17
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What's New:

  1. update Armadillo to version 12.8.2 #193
  2. plane strain Duncan-Selig soil model #195
  3. update Catch2 to version 3.5.4
  4. update TBB to version 2021.12.0 #199
  5. update MUMPS to version 5.7.1 #202


23 Jan 21:48
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What's New:

  1. (breaking) revise syntax for ConcreteTsai, Concrete21 and Concrete22 using a more consistent definition
  2. fix tangent stiffness in ConcreteK4 model #171
  3. update OpenBLAS to version 0.3.25
  4. update SuperLU to version 6.0.1
  5. better RCM algorithm that may result in a smaller bandwidth, thus, potentially more efficient
    solving #175
  6. update Armadillo to version 12.6.7 #180
  7. enable lazy evaluation and avoid temporary global matrices, faster dynamic
    analysis #183
  8. bugfixes: #185
  9. update Catch2 to version 3.5.2
  10. update fmt to version 10.2.1
  11. add nonviscous damping: NonviscousNewmark (global level integrator), ElementalNonviscous (element level
    modifier) and Nonviscous01 (material level model)


06 Nov 20:47
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What's New:

  1. revise uniaxial universal damage models #153
  2. update OpenBLAS to version 0.3.24
  3. add a new uniaxial concrete model ConcreteK4 #155
  4. add beam element for arbitrary thin-/thick-walled open/close section with torsion and warping B31OS #159
  5. better local iteration convergence criterion #161
  6. B31OS and EB31OS associated transformations B3DOSL, B3DOSC; sections, Fibre3DOS, Cell3DOS; material wrappers OS146, OS146S
  7. add elemental damping using Lee's model
  8. support Lode angle in CDPM2 #163
  9. add AICN cubic Newton solver #165
  10. remove Bilinear2D material, use PlaneStress/PlaneStrain wrapper and BilinearJ2 3D model instead


01 Sep 16:07
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What's New:

  1. iterative solvers by the Lis library #145
  2. update Armadillo to version 12.6.3 #149
  3. add TimberPD 3D material for timber #151


13 May 16:42
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What's New:

  1. add experimental MAGMA based GPU sparse solver #123
  2. add nonlinear transformation for shell elements #124
  3. update VTK to version 9.2.6
  4. add CustomNodeGroup #126
  5. add TranslationConnector #127
  6. add CustomAmplitude #129
  7. update Armadillo to version 12.2 #134
  8. add AsymmElastic1D #135
  9. update TBB to version 2021.9.0
  10. update MUMPS to version 5.6.0


25 Feb 22:07
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A maintenance release focusing on performance improvement.

Non-AVX binaries are available.

What's New:

  1. matrix optimsation
  2. update Catch2 to version 3.3.1
  3. update TBB to version 2021.8.0
  4. add mixed precision algorithm for MUMPS solver #119
  5. add CustomDegradation, CustomGurson and CustomGurson1D models
  6. update Armadillo to version 12.0 #121


20 Jan 14:03
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What's New:

  1. better on screen display with the fmt library #99
  2. add command overview
  3. update OpenBLAS to version 0.3.21
  4. add Euler buckling load check for T2D2 #104
  5. speed-up analysis with visualisation recorder #102
  6. update VTK to version 9.2.5
  7. add Expression to support custom function definition #105
  8. add CustomMises1D, CustomCC, CustomCDP, CustomDP, CustomJ2 and CustomHoffman models


20 Dec 22:30
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Merry Christmas! What's New:

  1. optimise assembling of symmetric global matrices #79
  2. extend BatheTwoStep to allow customisation of spectral radius #81 and sub-step size #82
  3. update Catch2 to version 2.13.10
  4. update Armadillo to version 11.4
  5. update modern Arpack #94
  6. add Tchamwa #88, BatheExplicit #90 and GeneralisedAlphaExplicit #93 explicit time integration methods
  7. add OALTS two-step implicit time integration method #92
  8. add Sinh1D and Tanh1D nonlinear elastic 1D material
  9. add linear_system flag to speed up linear system analysis