My attempt at recreating Trello's list & card UI. I wanted to use this project as a chance to really push myself and create something that felt closer to real app rather than a project. This was also my first attempt working with drag and drop, and using npm to import additonal libraries beyond what's laid out in the course.
Intended learning outcomes:
- Exploration of Object Orientated Programing principles.
- understand pros & cons of OOP Vs Functional Programing.
- use of modules, npm and webpack.
- utelize storage;
- Push myself!
- Drag n' drop not yet working on mobile.
- Sign in working via Firebase auth. I'd like to eventually move the storage from local storage to Firestore.
- Created purely for my own educational purposes and with no commercial interest. If you like this app and are not familiar with Trello, check it out here: It's far superior and free!
- HTML5Sortable: /~
- DragDropTouch: /~
- js-datepicker: