i) Proprietary codes: If you are interested in using EpiMogrify proprietary codes to prioritize cell identity, cell maintenance and cell conversion factors, please contact us at owen.rackham@duke-nus.edu.sg .
ii) Non proprietary codes: Please see below for the non-proprietary codes which contains scripts for generating cell-type H3K4me3 profile from ENCODE data.
Contains the script to generate H3K4me3 peak profiles from ENCODE bam files and the steps are:
- Create analysis directory for each ENCODE experiment ID
- Check the presence of control ChIP-seq for the H3K4me3 ChIP-seq files. Set parameters for MACS2 peak calling software according to the control ChIP-seq information.
- Check if the control sample is already mapped to hg38 genome orelse remap the control bam files to hg38 genome.
- Check if H3K4me3 treatment sample bam file is derived from a single-end or paired-end sequencing and remap the bam file to hg38 genome.
- Use MACS2 peak caller with broad parameter to generate broad H3K4me3 profiles.
- Annotate the ChIP-seq peak to the nearest Ensemble transcripts.
run_spp.R (/~https://github.com/kundajelab/phantompeakqualtools)
## Assign paths to directories
path_to_runSPP=/path_to_runSPP.R ## Path to phantompeakqualtools directory that contains runSPP.R
export PATH=$PATH:$path_to_runSPP
download_meta=$maindir/metadata_ChipSeq_27Feb2017.csv # metadata downloaded from ENCODE on 27Feb2017
# For each ENCODE experiment ID, the metadata file is parsed and the treatment H3K4me3 sample is assigned to the control sample
reference=/path_to_ref/GRCh38.primary_assembly.genome.fa # Hg38 version v25 reference genome
PeakType="Broad" # Select Narrow/Broad. In our study we used "Broad" parameter in MACS.
wrkdir=$maindir/Analysis_H3K4me3_Encode # directory where the results containing H3K4me3 ChIP-seq peak files will be stored
exp_dir=$processdir/ChipSeq_Encode/H3K4me3Encode # directory containing the downloaded bam files of H3K4me3 ChIP-seq from ENCODE
control_dir=$processdir/ChipSeq_Encode/ControlEncode # directory containing the downloaded bam files of the control ChIP-seq from ENCODE
## H3K4me3_ENCODE_IDs_2017.txt contains the list of ENCODE experiments ids used in this study
## For a list of ENCODE experiment IDs as an example.
for experiment_id in ["ENCSR662PLB", "ENCSR000DTK", "ENCSR000DQH", "ENCSR000DUJ", "ENCSR000DWS" ]:
generateH3K4me3prolifes_ENCODE.py $ChipSeqHistonMetafile $experiment_id $reference $annotation $wrkdir $exp_dir $control_dir $PeakType
Combines H3K4me3 profiles from different samples to generate cell-type H3K4me3 profile at the specified ChIP-seq q-value filter.
R script:
## set directories
peakdir = paste0(hmdir, "/path_to_H3K4me3peakfiles/")
resdir = paste0(hmdir, "/path_to_Resultdir")
celltypes = c("primary_cell__astrocytes", "primary_cell__cardiac_muscle_cell", "stem_cell__H9")
qValue_cutoff = 5 ## -log10 pvalue (10^-5)
## Merge samples in each celltype. The union of broad peaks across samples are generated.
celltype_unionprofile(peakdir, resdir, celltypes, qValue_cutoff)