Terraform Lab Foundation comprises of a number of parts:
- Qwiklab compatible samples
- Common use case examples
- Automated testing of Terraform scripts
- Plug and Play components
Example configurations that can be used to build content on the Qwiklabs Platform
Example solutions pre-built for the Qwiklabs platform
- Cloudshell - Integrated Development Environment
- Cloud Code - Integrated Development Environment
- Web Developer - Proxy Integrated Development Environment
- Vertex AI Notebook - Proxy Workbench
- AppSheet - CloudSQL MySQL
- BigQuery - Sports Analytics
- Proxy - General Proxy
- Custom VM
Release schedule for the supported channels:
Channel | Audience | Description |
Stable | Prod | Use this for the most stable versions of scripts |
Beta | QA | Use this for the beta access to code updates |
Dev | Dev | Use this to develop new Terraform building blocks and solutions |
Content authors should use the stable
Scripts are maintained via channels - see CHANNELS.md for more information.
Contributions are always welcome - see CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.
GPE-3.0 - see LICENSE for more information.