Forked from : /~
- added 32MHz boards definitions
- defined missing LED_BUILTIN
- automatic clock prescaler according to F_CPU
- PWM & Timers update
- Fast_IO update
- Analog Comparator
- Differential Amplifier update
- Computation Accelerator
Larduino_HSP is 3'rd party hardware support package for LGT8F core based arduino boards.
The backend of HSP fork from offical arduino distribution. We have try to keep all the standard
features compatible with arduino world. So feel free to resuse all of the libraries which designed for arduino platform.
Microcontroller based on LGT8F, e.g LGT8F328P has more advanced features which not
covered in standard arduino implementation. so there are also many new features merged to this
3'rd party package. Important update and new features as following:
- External/Internal crystal can be selected at runtime
- Fast_IO interface for fast I/O speed and small code size
- Full configurable PWM features, including complementary and dead-band control
- Differential Amplifier front-end for 12bit Analog-to-Digital converter
- 1/2 channel 8bit Digtial-to-Analog output, campatible with
- More standalone I/Os
void setup() {
//set D10 to output
fastioMode(D10, OUTPUT);
// driver D10 to low level
fastioWrite(D10, LOW);
void loop() {
// toggle D10
void setup() {
// usage: pwmMode(pin, pwm_mode, freq_mode)
// PWM_MODE_SOLO: set pwm of D5/D6 to independent mode
// PWM_FREQ_FAST: set PWM to fast mode
// usage: pwmResolution(pin, res_bits)
// set PWM resolution to 7bit
pwmResolution(D5, 7);
// or we can set PWM frequency directly
// usage: pwmFrequency(pin, freq_in_hz)
// pwmFrequency(D5, 500000);
// usage: pwmWrite(pin, duty)
// Note that we have set PWM resolution to 7bit
pwmWrite(D5, 128 >> 1);
pwmWrite(D6, 128 >> 2);
// dead-band settings for complementary PWM
int deadBand = 8;
int dutyMax;
void setup() {
// usage: pwmMode(pin, pwm_mode, freq_mode)
// PWM_MODE_DUO1: set pwm of D5/D6 to DUO1 mode (complementary)
// PWM_FREQ_FAST: set PWM to fast mode
// PWM_FREQ_BOOST: boost frequency by x4
// deadBand: set dead-band cycle for PWM
// we can set PWM frequency directly
// usage: pwmFrequency(pin, freq_in_hz)
// set PWM frequency to 300KHz, return its duty resolution
dutyMax = pwmFrequency(D5, 300000);
// usage: pwmWrite(pin, duty)
// Note: maximum duty is calcuated when set pwm frequency
pwmWrite(D5, dutyMax >> 2);
pwmWrite(D6, dutyMax >> 2);
More detail will be documented in comming Wiki page
Larduino HSP is based on optiboot. Source can be found inside bootloader directory
- Bootloader upload baudrate: 57600bps
- Unzip Larduino_HSP_vX.X.rar
- Copy [hardware] directory to Arduino's sketchbook directory
- Restart Arduino, you will see new board from [Tools]->[Border] menu.
You can always find this directory from [File]->[Preferences] menu. Here is the default sketchbook directory for most popluar system:
System | Path of sketchbook |
Windows | C:\Users<Username>\Documents\Arduino |
Mac OSX | /Users/user/Documents/Arduino |
LINUX | /home/<Username>/sketchbook |
Here we list one remarkable arduino board based on LGT8F, which is designed by OCROBOT
ALPHA 8F382P-U stick, with USB to UART on board. You can afford it just of RMB 8.00.
Please follow OCROBOT ALPHA 8F832P-U official page for more details.