Releases: SunKit-Swift/SunKit
What's Changed
- License 2024 by @seldon1000 in #51
- fix-wrong-solar-midnight by @davideilmito in #53
Full Changelog: 2.8.0...2.8.1
SunKit 2.8.0
Sun is now a struct: users can no longer use Sun as a reference type. However, immutability is not enforced and functions like setDate and setLocation are now defined as mutating.
Sun initializer now accepts a Date parameter (defaults to Date()).
Sun now conforms to Identifiable, Equatable, Hashable, and Sendable protocols.
Utilities such as Angle, DMS, EclipticCoordinates, EquatorialCoordinates, HMS, and HorizonCoordinates now conform to Equatable, Hashable, Sendable, and Codable protocols.
SunKit 2.7.0
- Solar Midnight
- Ecliptic and Equatorial coordinates
SunKit 2.6.5
If sunrise or morning twilight events: blue hour start/end, astronomical start/end, nautical start/end are below 1 AM, they will take back to 00:00 because irrelevant.
Dusk and dawn were inverted (#41)
Minor changes to isNight variable. isAlwaysLight is now isAlwaysDay.
Fixed typos
SunKit 2.6.1
Changed names (#36)
SunKit 2.5.0
Removed 'useSameTimeZone' dependency.
SunKit 2.4.6
Added Blue Hour (#29)